Rose-Colored Glasses; 2: New York & Aspen (A Harry Styles Sugar Daddy AU)

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Summary: (Y/N) meets Harry through Seeking Arrangement. She is a 21-year-old senior student at the New York Institute of Fine Arts, while Harry is a 30-year old executive. Their relationship starts as platonic. Will it stay like that for long? (Part 2 of 4)
This part does not contain smut scenes, only slight mention. But the next part does, so read at your discretion. (Words: 7.2k)
So, I am clearly not a Harry writer. This fic is part of a Writer's Appreciation Writing Contest (ran by harrysleftchelseaboot on Tumblr). It is a story I worked very hard on, and I honestly think it is a good story, which is why I wanted to share it with you. Now, I don't have a Band Members Book anymore, and I did try to post it as an Individual Story on my Profile, but it did very poorly. So, here you go, I hope you like this fic. 


I have avoided calls and ignored messages for a week now, all coming from Harry. I even returned this week's allowance; the reason for the transaction from the statement wrote 'I am sorry' and the amount had a raise of an extra 500$. I think he feels like he can buy me and my forgiveness with his money. I tried to spend the bit of extra time on writing my dissertation, but my brain decides to play tricks on me, making me recall the moment time after time and stopping me from doing anything. I am practically glued on my couch not having the energy to move. My stomach hurts at the memory of him treating me like that. I have never felt so cheap, I have never felt so insignificant, ever in my life. He practically said he owns me, he practically said he has the right to control me. And that's some shit I didn't sign up for.

I get up and head to my kitchen, pouring some water in my kettle to make myself a cup of tea. A spoonful of the chamomile, lavender, and valerian tea mix -which, based on the lady from the herbal store- is supposed to help me relax and sleep better, is added in the tea diffuser, which I dunk in the kettle while the water warms up.
I need a full night of sleep, my body is already protesting the week of sleeping for less than 4 hours.
I pour my tea into my mug, popping the diffuser in to let the tea steep for a little longer when I realize someone is knocking on my door.
I drag my feet and stand on my toes, peeping through the peephole to see who's outside my apartment.

Shit. Harry is behind the door, knocking on it harder as the seconds pass. I sit with my back pressed on the door, trying to gather my thoughts and make a plan on what to do.
"I know you are inside. Please, let me in..." He pleads; I feel the vibrations of the knock push their way into my spine; by now the knocking is so loud that soon the whole building will gather to see who's screaming. I open the door, letting Harry walk inside my apartment. I just pray I won't regret it.
"What do you want?" I ask him, closing the door once I make sure my neighbors weren't startled.
"You have been ignoring me... For days now." He states as I pick up my mug.
"I am aware. I would offer you some tea but you are not staying for long." I pull the diffuser out, placing it on the counter of my kitchen.
"You live here?" He asks me, pointing around my apartment.
"Yeah, I know... It is not fancy. How did you find it?" I ask him.
"Vinny has brought you here before. He knew how to find the neighborhood and I looked around the entrance bells for your name. You weren't answering any of my calls or messages, so this was my last resort." Harry states. I sigh and close my eyes, unable to bring a response out of my mouth.
"What do you want?" I ask him, taking a seat on the couch. He points at the other end of the couch, silently asking for permission to sit down. I nod and bring my mug to my lips.
"You returned your weekly allowance. Why?" He asks me.
"I don't want your money." I reply.
"We had an agreement." He stutters.
"We didn't agree on you owning me. My soul, my body, my mind... I am worth more than whatever you have to offer. I'd rather go back to living paycheck to paycheck than being owned by a man who thinks he owns the world." It takes so much out of me to talk to him that way.
"I know you don't need me. And I know that I don't own you. I know that. I just don't like the thought of you with other men. I know we are only friends, but it tears me apart that I might have to share you. You might not need me, but I need you, (Y/N). You bring out a part of me I didn't know I have. I need you to help me keep it alive. I need you to be yourself with me, so my best self comes out too." He pleads.
"The man I saw that night wasn't your best self. He wasn't a good man. He wasn't the man I am used to, the man that treats me well, the man who is soft and kind. And I don't want anything to do with that man."
"I know, I know... You left and I felt like shit. You deserved better than that. Listen, I could have found another Sugar Baby, there is a sea of them on that site. But with you... I can't replace you. Please. I will give you whatever you want." He begs, running his hand down his face.
"Harry, this is not a matter of what I want to come back to you." I state and he sighs.
"I know I cannot buy you off. Take your time, sleep on it. Lay your terms. I just... You are the most normal part of my life, you balance me. I will do whatever you ask me to." He sounds genuine. The all-mighty man has now melted to nothing more than a facade.
"That. I want that. I want you to be honest with me. I want you to consider me as an equal. You don't like sharing me, I don't like sharing you. If you are allowed to sleep with people, I want to be allowed too. I have some needs, I need to satisfy them." I state.
Harry sighs; I can see how hard this is for me.
"If you are going to be sleeping with others... Just, make sure I don't find out. Don't rub it in. And they won't be taking my time with you away. And I need to see you more. 2 times a week is so little."
"3 times a week then. I can't do more... I have work, I have school. It's a lot on my plate." I offer and he nods. He reaches inside his jacket, pulling out an envelope. He hands it to me, and I try to push it away.
"You returned last week's allowance. So, inside you have last week's and this week's allowance. Plus the bonus, but minus the apology. I know you would feel like I was buying your forgiveness. And I want you to forgive me because you want to..." He states, putting the envelope on my lap.
"I am going on a trip next weekend. To Aspen, for a deal. I want you to come with me. We will leave Friday afternoon and we will be back Sunday at midnight. I want you with me or else I will bore myself to death. I understand if you don't feel like coming, but it would mean a lot if you did." He states, reaching to stroke my hand.
"I want to come. Send me an email with the details so I can pack appropriately." I state and he smiles.
"If you need more money to buy things for the trip, let me know." He offers.
"I think that 5k is enough to cover everything." I chuckle.
"Still... If you need extra, let me know." He smiles, getting up from the couch. He leans down and pecks my forehead softly.
"I will see you on Saturday, angel." He says warmly, waving me off as he walks himself out.

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