Summary: (Y/N) and Ashton plan on spending Sunday morning in bed.
Based on Sexual Prompts #37: "You sure want to go there, princess?"
& #45: "Take your panties off." (Smut / Mutual Masturbation / Unprotected Sex)
This is an NSFW imagine. If you feel uncomfortable reading stuff like this one, please scroll through the story to find something you might like.
(Request: georgiaawoolley) (Words: 2.9k)
--Sunday mornings with Ashton at home are always lazy. We always spend our day on our bed, cuddling and just talking about nothing, or catching up on our shows. Sometimes, if I am lucky, I convince him to read to me, poetry or a novel he is reading. Or if I am extra lucky, I get him to tell me about the songs they are working on.
But today I chose to break our tradition and start my day early, getting off our bed at 9 in the morning. I watched as Ashton slept soundly, breathing heavily and stretching out on our bed.
I pity waking him up, so I decide to just move along with my chores and letting him rest.I enjoy doing my chores in quiet, being without destructions. Now, I don't have much to do other than the light tidying up and meal preparation. Living in a house with Ashton has its benefits; he is actually pretty neat and systematic when it comes to his stuff. And since we have lots and lots of hours ahead of us until dinner time, the slow cooker is finally being used in our household. I love quiet mornings almost as much as I love lazy mornings; the silence gives me peace of mind, a little getaway from the hecticness of my daily life.
I check on the food once more, just to make sure that everything is as supposed to be before I make my way to our bedroom to make my side of the bed since Ashton is still asleep.
I make sure to tiptoe around him, trying my hardest not to wake him up.
"I am mad at you." I hear Ashton mumble as I bend down to fix the sheet.
"Why, darling?" I ask, knitting my eyebrows together in confusion.
"It's Sunday morning and you are not on our bed with me. Where were you?" He asks in a groggy voice.
"I was making dinner. And I did a bit of tidying up." I reply, patting my pillow to make it more fluffy.
"Dinner? What time is it?" He asks, supporting his body on his elbows to sit up a bit.
"11 in the morning. But I thought I could just slow roast it, so it tastes better. I saw it on a show." I explain and he sighs.
"Ok, now you are done, so come back on our bed." He stretches his hand out. I purse my lips as I think about his offer but soon shake my head no.
"We can have a lazy day, but not on our bed. Come on, we can spend some time in our backyard. It's a lovely day and it is gorgeous out there." I suggest and watch him shake his head.
"I hate that I can never say no to you." He groans, slowly stretching before getting off the bed.
"Well, be glad that I am not taking advantage of it more often." I giggle, pointing to his side of the bed that needs to be made.
"I'll drive to the drugstore to buy some magazines. Want me to bring you anything?" I ask as Ashton bends down to make the bed.
"A box of doughnuts from the bakery down the street." He replies and I smile at him.
"Your wish is my command, my lord." I tease him, walking into our closet to change into some leggings and a t-shirt.
I manage to stay undercover while in public, so I was in and out of Target pretty fast.
But as I am driving back home from picking the doughnuts from the bakery, I notice that what seemed to be a nice day, is now threatened by dark clouds. Literal black clouds. I curse myself for believing that we would actually enjoy a day in our backyard; I guess I will have to settle for a lazy day on the couch.
All it takes for me to get soaked is walking from the car to our front door. The downpour started as I parked the car, so as I am trying to unlock the door and get in, my clothes get absolutely soggy with rainwater.
"Hello, ducky." Ashton giggles as I enter our house.
"Ducky? Is that a new nickname?" I ask, leaving my stuff on the island. Ashton walks to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and planting a kiss on my temple.
"Yeah, 'cause you are all wet and cute." He comments, his voice being playful.
"I made a big pot of coffee." He says, spinning me around. His fingers tangle in the hem of my t-shirt, raising it a little over my navel.
"I fucking love you." I breathe out.
"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, (Y/L/N)?" He asks me, cocking an eyebrow.
"No, but I kiss you with that mouth, and you like it dirty." I wink at him. I try to move away from him, but his hand slapping against my ass, makes me turn around.
"Where do you think you are going?" He asks.
"I am going to change into a t-shirt that is not drenched and bring a book. You are going to pour us some coffee and wait for me on our couch." I reply, standing on my tiptoes to leave a kiss on his nose.
"Counteroffer, we both go upstairs to our bed, I put on Brooklyn 99 to catch up and we both stay in bed on our underwear, which is way cozier than our couch." He suggests, resting his arm on the curve above my ass.
"Aren't you bored, staying in bed all day?" I ask and he shakes his head no.
"Nothing is ever boring with you by my side." He replies, making me chuckle.
"So damn cheesy." I shake my head before I move to get to our room.

𝟓𝐬𝐨𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝟏
FanficThe book contains visuals, preferences, blurbs, one-shots, series, and AU fics about the members of 5 Seconds of Summer. The book has reached the chapter limit. Please look for 5sos Book Vol.2 (available April 10, 2021)