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Saving Ariel


A young girl of 12 named Jordan had a great life. A normal life. Until her mother got pregnant with her younger sister, Ariel. When Ariel was born, her father planned to put her up for adoption. Jordan wasn't going to have that! One night, Jordan packed up all her bags, stole all her parents money, and took all of their food, and ran away with Ariel. For days, she walked and walked, until she found a small abandoned ski home in the shadows of Southern Michigan. She decided to settle here. She cared for Ariel, taught her many things, and raised her up until she turned 4 all by herself. To make money, Jordan robs banks and pick pockets people. She hates to do it, but that's the only way she can keep her and Ariel alive. One evening, when Jordan was out in the town, about to rob a store, she heard a cough from behind it. She went behind to see what it was. There, she found a group of homeless kids, huddled together to keep warm. She took them back to her house, and gave them food, and gave them showers. They became a family. Took care of each other. What they don't know, will change their lives forever.

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