Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

         “Come out now! Or we’ll come in and do it the hard way!” someone yelled from outside the hospital. “Did someone find out about my robberies?” I asked quietly. “Do I look like I know?” Liam asked sarcastically. “I’m just thinking out loud!” I said. “We have to escape. I noticed a back door. We need to hurry.” Jewl said. “Follow me. If they have all those guys in the back, run away as fast as you can. Jade, please check the halls. Don’t make yourself noticeable, that is, if there’s anyone out there.” I said quickly. Jade went outside, and I saw her look both ways. Once she came back in, she made the clear sign.

         “Obie went home and got all of our backpacks filled with clothes, money, food, and water. Go change, and then we’ll go. But hurry. We don’t have much time.” Liam said. Jewl passed me my backpack; I grabbed a pink tank top, and some capris. I ran in the very small bathroom, and changed from my hospital gown to my normal clothes. After I changed, I threw my hospital gown away, and went outside. “Let’s go!” I said. Ariel jumped in my arms. I put her head under my arm, for safety purposes. Jewl grabbed Story, and we ran out into the halls. “Let’s go this way.” Obie said, pointing to the right. We ran down two flights of stairs, and out the back door.

         “Go!!! Liam- take Ariel!” I yelled. I was about to run after them, when I felt two hands wrap around my neck and squeeze. Quickly, I grabbed the hands, pulled them down really hard, turned around and kicked the dude somewhere where guys don’t like to be kicked. I then used my palm and hit him in the nose. I heard the nasty sound of a crack, and then ran off. After punching a few more guys, I finally made it into the woods, caught up with everyone else. “RUN!” I yelled. We ran around in circles a few times, confusing the attackers. Soon, we lost them. We stopped behind a large rock, and decided to rest. “Ariel, jump on my back. Can you carry my backpack?” I asked her. “Yep!” Ariel said happily. She jumped on my back, and I held her tight.

         She held my backpack on her back, and her little backpack was inside of mine. Liam held Story, and we started walking. “Where are we going now?” Jade asked. “I’m not really sure. Maybe Tennessee? I really want to see the Country Hall of Fame.” I said, joking around. “I happened to grab a map of Michigan. I grabbed it from the hospital. We are about 10 miles away from the Ohio border, and we’re in Monroe County.” Liam said. I smiled. “How are we supposed to get to Tennessee?” Obie asked. “I don’t know. We have a LOT of money. I’m sure we can manage.” I said. We walked for about 30 minutes talking about what we were going to do.

         We decided that we’d find another abandoned house and make it beautiful! Maybe we’ll get a mansion! Another 30 minutes, and the sun is almost completely down. We see lights straight ahead. “I think there’s a town ahead!” Jewl said. Ariel tightened her grip when we ran very fast. “Jordan?” “Yes Ariel?” “I love you!” “I love you too!” “I love Coda very much.” “I’m glad! Take good care of her.” “It’s a him, silly!” “Ok. Take care of him.” We laughed, and then we were in the town. Barely any cars, just small little hotels and little fast food places. “Oooh! Let’s go to that diner over there! I haven’t ever been to a diner!” Ariel spoke. The sun was down, and there was a full moon up in the sky. The stars shined bright, and Liam put his arm around me.

         He kissed me, and we walked towards the diner. After getting inside, we saw how empty the place was. Only an old couple sat in the corner. We grabbed a giant booth. On one side, Jade and Ariel and Story sat, and on the other, sat Jewl, Obie, and Liam. We put me in a chair on the end. After getting all settled, a waitress that looked the age of 16 walked over to our table. “I’m Jessica. I will be your waitress today. Can I get you guys something to drink?” she said, smacking gum. Her eyes flickered to Ariel. Ariel looked at me. “Can I get a coke?” she asked me. I nodded. She deserves it. “Coke please.” She smiled. “I would like a Sprite.” Jade said proudly.

          I rolled my eyes, and she smiled at me. Sprite, milk, and water are all that she drinks. “I’ll have a diet coke please.” I said. Jessica was scribbling things on the pad very fast. “I want milk!” Story said loudly. I got out her sippicup that she can’t drink anything without. “I’ll have water.” Liam said. He shot me an “I’m doing better than you” look. I rolled my eyes at him as well. The waitress flushed her cheeks. Story started to cry. I picked her up and held her close. She wouldn’t stop. Then the waitress started to twirl around with her hair. Liam smiled at her. My cheeks flushed with anger. I sighed out loud, but Liam didn’t break contact with Jessica. Her very long curly blonde hair, her blue eyes, her skinny body. Liam is not like this! I stomped on his foot, but he still ignored me.

        “Come here!” she said, then dragged him outside. I couldn’t believe this! I felt like crying, but I held my tears back. Jewl looked at me with worried eyes. “I’m fine. He won’t fall for that chick.” I said. I gave the still crying Story to her, and slowly crept outside. I looked to my right, and heard laughing. I walked towards the noise, and looked behind the wall. Liam and Jessica were making out. I let the tears fall down. He had his arms around her, instead of stopping her. He didn’t even try to pull away. They just stood there, making out. I sniffled by mistake, and Liam saw me. His expression dropped, and he saw me crying. He tried to reach for me.

       Jessica rolled her eyes and tried to kiss him some more, but he pulled away. He went after me again, but I ran off. I ran back in the diner, grabbed Story, and ran fast. She had stopped crying. “What are we doing?” she asked. “Shh.” I said softly. I dashed behind a large trashcan and bent down. I heard Liam calling out my name.

      “Jordan. I’m sorry. Let me talk to you!” he yelled. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. After about 10 minutes, Liam went back inside. I stood up, and walked around. I needed to think. Story fell asleep in my arms. I sat on a bench about a block from the diner. Before I could react, a nasty tasting hand came over my mouth, Story started to cry and I felt her being taken away from me. I started to see stars, tried to scream, but it was too late. I passed out.

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