Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

       After an extremely long flight, we finally found Sander’s Science Facility, where we had turned into super humans not a long time ago. We landed behind a clump of trees, and I changed into myself. I felt better already. Morphing really stretches you out. “What’s the plan?” Liam asked. He was a curious boy. We formed a circle and discussed our options. We finally decided that I would change into a random doctor guy, and ask where Victor went. If the person I ask doesn’t answer, Obie will come out and kick his butt, and then we'll try to find Ariel. Liam was prepared to shoot anyone with lightning bolts, and Jade will help make sure no one hurts us. I prayed that no one would get hurt. I just wanted to get my little sister back. I can't let anything happen to her. I can't live, knowing I let this happen. I just want things to go back to the way they used to be. I changed into a young man that was about 30 and his name was Larry. I walked into the facility, while everyone stayed close behind me. I walked up to a woman that had a name tag that read Amelia. “Um, excuse me, Amelia? I need to talk to you.” I said. We walked a little to the right, away from some other doctors. "What do you want? I’m about to go on lunch break. I’m eating with my mom. I haven't seen her in-” She said. I cracked a smile. What I really wanted to do was punch her sweet little face, but I didn't. I'm not like that. Instead I said, “That’s great. Um, I need to see Dr. Victor Sanders. Do you know where he went? It’s very important.” I said, trying to sound like a doctor. I prayed that she bought it. “How do I know you aren’t some spy dude trying to rescue Ariel?” she asked. I looked at her like I didn’t know what she was talking about. “I have to talk to him about the newest chemical we are working on together. It’s called the Bilicimutis.” I lied. I just said something I thought I'd never say. She looked at her papers. “I’m sorry, but I’m only allowed to tell people who I know where he went.” She said. I looked over at Obie. He walked over, ready for action. He pinned her against the wall, crushing her neck. “WHERE IS HE?” He demanded to know. She looked so scared. I kinda felt sorry for her. The other doctors in the room started to circle around us. They had guns with them. Big guns. “Venezuela!” She cried. Obie let her go and she ran off crying. Liam was shooting at people with lightning. As I blocked everyone when they went to the door, everyone got out safely. I was going to be last. As I ran behind Liam, I turned to see Jewl on the ground. I ran back but Obie got to her first. I stood up, and then I was on the ground. In a lot of pain. I was yelping. Liam picked me up and started to run very fast. Warm sticky blood ran down all the way down and dripped off my leg. I had been shot brutally in the chest. My eyes closed, and I was gasping for breath. Maybe this was the end. After all I had been through.

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