Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

        It was an extremely long and painful walk to the airport. My chest was throbbing like crazy, and I couldn't help but yelp because of how bad it got. We rested a few times, but we got there when the sun went completely down, and the moon rose to shine it's bright light. We talked the whole way there about what had happened earlier. “They trapped me in this tube, and filled water in it. About 10 needles shot out and stuck me everywhere possible! It hurt so badly, and the water turned red because of my blood. I felt immediately stronger. It was worth the pain, but I wish that I could’ve stayed a normal person, because this is crazy. I would rather be at home, watching Spongebob right now." Obie said quietly. I’ve never heard him talk this much before, so maybe the expirement changed his shyness issues. “They put me to sleep, so I don't know what happened.” Jewl said, kind of upset because she didn't have a story to tell. “They forced a really gross drink down my throat!” Story yelled, on the verge of tears. It must've tasted pretty bad. “They put some kind of metal device on my head and it gave me shocks all around my body. It hurt really bad, but I love my power. I can do anything!” Jade said proudly. “They put me into a wind tunnel and I didn’t remember much after that. All I know is that it hurt.” Liam said. I laughed along with everybody. How could he not remember? I told everyone how they stuck a large painful and sharp needle in my neck and I looked like I was having a seizure. I then went into deep thought. This was all my fault. I have put everyone that I love in danger, and lost my sister because of these stupid experiments. Why did they want us? What did we do to deserve this? Was it because of me? I felt like screaming into the sky, but I didn't. That would've caused problems. I got interrupted and lost my train of thought when I heard Obie speak. “I heard that some girl got killed because she was telling you it was going to be okay.” he said. I looked down at the ground. I remember her. I feel horrible. "She got killed?" I asked sadly. "It's not like we knew her, anyways." Liam said, acting like it was no big deal. Now I really wanted to kill Victor, slowly and painfully. That hellion deserved to die, and rot in hell. For what he does to innocent people. He deserved to die, and his stupid assisstants, Jake and Grace. We went inside the airport and looked up a flight to Venezuela for 2:00am. Jade went up to the ticket lady and worked her magic. She got us all tickets for the 2:00am flight. We waited for about 3 hours and rested. I slept for a little while. Once we were on the plane, the flight attendants put my wheelchair in the luggage area, and I sat next to Liam. Jewl and Obie sat behind us, and Jade and Story in front of us. Once we took off, I had a feeling that something wasn’t right. My chest was hurting pretty bad. I let go of Liam’s hand and looked around the plane. “Jordan? Is something wrong baby?” he asked. He gave me a worried look. “I have a weird feeling in my stomach. Like something bad is about to happen.” I said quietly. My eyes locked into contact with a man in a black suit sitting across from us. He gave me a sinister grin, and I gulped, scared to death. About 20 other guys around him stood up and started walking slowly towards us. A flight attendant told them to sit down, but they punched her, and she fell to the floor, and a puddle of blood poured out of her mouth. I turned around to warn Jewl and Obie, and told Jade and Story to watch out. These guys were probably sent by Victor. What a jerk. How did they know where we were? Were they following us? Tracking us? The thought sent a cold shiver down my back. One of the men grabbed Story. She was screaming, loud. I managed to punch the one that had Story in the nose, but it hurt really bad because of my chest. I was standing up! Without my wheelchair! I prayed. "Dear Lord, please take away the pain just for now so I can kick these guy's asses!" I yelled out loud. Blood streamed down his face and dripped off and landed on the floor. He swung a punch to my stomach. It knocked the wind out of me, but I morphed into a large grizzly bear with massive teeth and claws. What? It was the only thing I could think of at the moment. Gasps came from all the other people on the plane. I swung at the guy that had a broken nose. He fell to the floor. I think I might've killed him. Oops! Actually, anyone who worked for Victor has to die. It's guaranteed that they'll die if they try to hurt my family. A stream of blood ran down his face. Before I could react to the nasty scene, a very heavy guy jumped onto my back. I fell backwards on purpose, squishing him. I laughed, and I heard a very loud growl come out of my mouth instead of a laugh. A little child's eyes widened and I felt bad for scaring him. Liam stirred up a mini lightning bolt and knocked out 5 guys that were going after Obie. More poured in. Where were they coming from? “The pilot is one of them!” Jade yelled, coming from the front of the plane. Obie punched 3 of the guys out of the plane window, which the windows were strangely bigger than most plane windows. Jewl put love spells on 4 of them, and Obie knocked them out. Story was rocking her ninja skills on like 20 guys. When only 5 were left, I swiped all of them out in one. One got up, and Obie punched him very hard, and he landed on a wing of the plane. The wing of the plane tore a little, and the plane started to aim downwards. I morphed into me again. My chest pain came back. Oww. All of the other people on the plane were crying. I felt sorry for them. I morphed into a giant bird, and Obie punched a chunk of the plane out, so we could get out. The sky was pitch black, so it was hard to see. Half of the people jumped onto my back, and the other half plus everyone else in my familiy got on a large cloud that Liam had formed with his own hands. We all managed to get out of the plane before it crashed into a nearby forest. When we finally got safely to the ground, all of the people hopped off my back and off the cloud. They were oh so thankful to be alive, and some of them were extremely confused. One gave Liam his wallet! He looked pretty drunk. They all started to walk off, and I prayed that they would be safe, wherever they went. I morphed back into myself. Liam was on the ground, breathing very hard. Jewl was behind a rock, passed out with Story cradled in her arms, who was sound asleep. Jade stood up looking at the destroyed plane. I couldn’t find Obie. “Oh no.” I muttered. Liam stood up, and walked over to me. “What is it?” he asked. I looked at him and panicked. “I can’t find Obie!” I yelled. I fell to my knees. He can’t be gone! Jewl stretched and woke up. Jade walked over and picked up Story. Jewl stood up and looked around, hoping to find Obie. “Where is he?” she asked, worried. Tears formed in my eyes. Liam went off to look for him. Her face immediately turned sad. Tears streamed down her red face. I went over to her and pulled her into my embrace. We cried and cried until Jade broke it up. “Let’s look for him.” she suggested. Liam was onto that plan already, but Jewl ran after him. We walked towards the crashed plane, yelling out Obie’s name repeatedly. Liam caught up to us and gave me a worried look. I was scared, really scared. Once we got to the plane, and all the remains of it, we split up in different directions. I tripped over a metal piece of the plane, and cut my ankle. I felt the pain flood over me, but I stood up and kept going. I will NOT lose anyone else. In about 3 minutes, we noticed a broken wing stuck in a tree. Burnt rubble, and many sharp metal pieces were stuck out everywhere, so I couldn’t see very well. Also, it was 3 in the morning. "Guys, Shh!” I yelled. We all stopped walking and talking. A faint moan came from under a large piece of metal. We all ran towards it, and all together we lifted it. There lay Obie. A large gash covered his entire forehead, and he was bloody. He had scratches, and bruises all over his body. Jewl threw her arms around him. He moaned in pain. Liam helped him stand up. Blood dripped to the ground as Obie limped, but he was supported by Liam. “Jordan?” he cried. “Yes, Obie?” I answered. “Where are we?” he asked. I sighed. “I honestly have no clue.” I embarrassingly said. “Are we in South America yet?” he asked. “Obie, I don’t know!” I said, frustrated. I felt bad immediately. I could've lost him. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little stressed right now." I said sadly. "It's okay Jo." he cracked a smile. Jewl held his hand tightly. He could walk okay now, but he wasn’t balanced very well. Jewl held him up so that he couldn't fall. Thank God we were all together again. Well, almost all together.

(Woah, that is probably my longest chapter. LOL)

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