Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

        A few hours had passed when I woke again. It must’ve been early morning. “Jordan?” Story asked. I turned my head to see my precious Story. She was strapped to a bed like me. I reached out my hand to her, and she grabbed it. Once again, Dr. Sanders walked in. I rolled my eyes and growled at him. I let go of Story’s hand, and looked at him. “If you hurt her, or anyone else in my family, I swear that you’ll regret you were ever born you nasty, filthy demon!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. My rage was on. My adrenaline was pumped.

       His eyes widened, and I smiled to myself. He looked shocked. When I thought he was about to walk out, he walked closer to me and stuck his big finger in my face. “You don’t know what we’re capable of doing to you, and your little crew, Jordan.” He shot back. A glob of spit landed right above my mouth. Grosse. I wiped it off and threw it back at him. I missed, but his lunging back was hilarious. “That’s where YOU’RE hugely mistaken Dr. Sanders. You don’t know what I’m capable of doing to you.” I said, trying to spit on him. He stepped away.

      “And if you ever put your nasty looking finger that close to me again, I’ll bite it off. No kidding.” I threatened. Story nodded, and then laughed. I laughed along with her. The door slammed shut. Story clapped. I turned to her. “Story, don’t you worry. They aren’t gonna lay a finger on you without killing me first.” I told her quietly. The bright smile that appeared on her face made me feel better. Then I focused on more important matters. How do I get out of this hell hole? I wondered if everyone was looking for me. I missed them. I was ready to get out of here, and if I didn't soon, I would probably freak out.

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