Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

         I woke up in a hospital bed. Again. But this time I wasn’t in a hospital. What? I grew an instant headache. My eyes took a while to adjust to the dimly lighted room. Story wasn’t visible. I looked around, but Story wasn’t there. I began to panic. My heart started to beat fast, and I took deep breaths. “Story!” I yelled. No answer. I was strapped to the bed with very heavy duty rope. Trying to get up, I realized it was impossible, so when I stopped trying, my back slammed against the metal bed, and I heard a cry. I realized it was me.

          It had knocked the wind out of me. Trying to breathe, I gasped many times. Finally, I heard the door slowly open. I cocked my head to the right, and my attention focused on a man walking in. He wore a long white coat, and I immediately jumped to conclusions. He was either a doctor, or a scientist. He could be both! “Who are you? And where is she?” I demanded. “My name is Dr. Victor Sanders. We have been watching your family for years. You guys exactly hit the target for the kind of people for our experiments. I am very happy that we captured 2 of you guys, but we need everyone.” He said. I was so confused, that my headache got worse.

        His voice was deep, dark, and creepy. His eyes were a deep red. “Colored contact?” I asked. “No…” he drug out the o. I could tell he was lying. I rolled my eyes. “What kind of experiments were you thinking about doing?” I asked slowly. “You’ll find out soon enough, Jordan.” He said, sitting down. I looked at him with furious eyes. “You’re a stalker! You creeper! Get away from me!” I yelled. He laughed. I sighed, but tried to get up again. Again, I landed on my back and was gasping for air. “Where is Story?!” I asked and yelled at the same time. “She’ll be here soon       !” he smiled. “What did you do to her?” I asked. “Nothing. Yet.” He laughed.

        “WHERE IS SHE?” I yelled loud. “We’re testing to see which experiment suits her.” He said. “What about me?” I asked. “We already did it to you. While you were asleep.” He said quietly. “Why me? Why us?” I asked quietly as he stood up to leave. The room started to smell funny. I almost gagged. “Excuse me. Ate a bean burrito for lunch.” He said. I looked at him with disgust. “I really- really didn’t need to know that.” I said. I tried to cover my nose, but couldn’t reach it.

        “OH my gosh!” I yelled. This was torture. He laughed hard, and then left the room. I took a deep breath after the smell faded. I closed my eyes and prayed hard. I was a Christian, but I have never had the chance to go to church and worship him before. We still pray before bed, and before meals. I asked him to save me 5 years ago. I think I’m going to heaven. I sure hope so! “God- please. PLEASE! Let me escape safely with Story, and even though I am upset with Liam, I still wanted to be together with everyone again, and find a home, where we are safe.” I prayed quietly.

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