Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

       We’re together, and that’s all that matters. But what was going on? What was going to happen to us? I woke in a very small room. The air smelled like peppermint. I was lying on a hard hospital bed, and it was very uncomfortable. Where was Liam, my Ariel, everybody? I lifted up my head and looked around. My back still hurt from slamming against the bed earlier. There was only one door in the room, and when I was thinking of a plan to escape, that door opened, and about 4 doctors walked in. A very tall lady staggered over to me and took some notes. I really wanted to kick her in the face. She went over to a cabinet, and pulled out a box full of tubes. She pulled out a very large tube full of grey liquid. What? “What’s going on?” I demanded. “You’ll see very soon, Ms. Dylan.” She said. She poured the grey liquid inside of a sharp needle, and walked over to me. The other doctors came over to me and one jerked my head over to the left, and the doctor with the needle sighed. “Okay, Lorraine. Begin.” One of the other doctors said, and looked at me with sad eyes. “You’ll be okay.” She mouthed. I gulped and took a deep breath. “This may hurt just a little Ms. Dylan.” A guy doctor said. I felt the tip of the needle on my neck. And then it went inside my body slowly. Immediate pain struck all over my body and I gasped for air. The scorching pain took it’s time to take over each and every part in my body. This went on for what seemed like hours, until finally the pain faded. The doctors let me go, and Lorraine told me to get some rest. They unstrapped me, and led me to a nicer looking room. They helped me into a very comfortable bed, and I closed my eyes. I didn’t even want to escape anymore. I was extremely tired, and the pain still lingered. They shut off the light in the room, and I slept.

(Hey you guys! Please comment and let me know if you want more!!!!!)

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