Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:                               

       I was scared to death. The white coats were shooting guns at us, and I was swirving in and out of trees, and trying to find a forest. Finally, there was no more shooting. But there was a helicopter right above us. I ran as fast as I could, even though I felt like dying instead. I saw how fast I was running, and I almost blacked out. “We lost them Jordan!” Jewl yelled at me. We were on the road now, because there were no forests nearby. I saw a sign that said nearest exit: Ross County. “Ross is like right near the end of Ohio! You ran that far?” Liam asked. I couldn’t talk, but wow. I'm already in love with this power. We ran in an alley into Ross County. There was not a lot of cars, or any people around, so this was good. “Let’s stop somewhere and rest!” Obie suggested. I agreed along with him. Everyone got off of me, and I changed back into me. I stretched, and felt better. Although I heard a horrific crack in my back, and it hurt. We walked out of the alley and all looked around the town. In that moment, I realized that Ariel was gone. “Hey guys, where’s Ariel?” I was extremely worried. Everyone looked around for her. “Ariel. Stop playing around. Stop being invisible! This isn’t funny anymore.” I said, panting. No answer,  and no reappearance of Ariel. “We left her!” I cried. I curled into a ball and rocked myself back and forth. It was my responsibility to be there for her. To take care of her. Now she’s gone! And it’s all my fault. How could I be so stupid? She could be in major danger right now! What if she was captured? Is she hurt? I sat there, sobbing. Liam sat down next to me, and put his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into his chest. He kissed me on my head, and gripped his arm around me tighter. He wiped away the tears that had stuck on my cheek. I was really scared. He kept whispering in my ear, "It will all be okay." I'm not sure that it will all be okay, I thought to myself.

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