Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

            I woke up and immediately we were all led inside a large enclosed room  that made me very nervous and tingly. “You will all test your new abilities, and then comes the fun part.” A familiar voice came from behind me. I turned behind me to find Victor behind all of this. “What’s the meaning of this? We’re all innocent!” I yelled at him. “Jordan, we’ve been observing you and your “family” for very many years, and you guys were the perfect fit for our experiments. My workers have been working hard very many years to come up with a liquid for each one of you that causes the human body to become impossibly amazing! If all the experiments work, we are taking you little demons to Vietnam to help rule the world! Once I am the ruler of the world, we will fill this world with genetically engineered super humans!” Victor said mischevioiusly. He took a deep breath, and looked at Story with his evil, red eyes. “Story. You go first.” He said. She smiled and prepared for her test. Victor's assistant Jake pushed a large dummy from a storage room. In a flash, Story did a backflip and was in black clothes. She jumped up high and chopped off the dummy's head with one fierce chop of her hand, and the head had been attached with metal. My jaw dropped as I saw this before my eyes. My little Story, doing this? She held her hand out and aimed her fingers at the dummies’ chest. 10 sharp ninja stars shot out of her hand right at the heart! I gulped. She jumped about 30 feet up in the air and flipped about 10 times, while she was in the air! On her way down to the ground, she angrily kicked the dummy into the wall. The dummy was majorly damaged. It was done for. She flipped back into her normal clothes. We all stood there speechless. I was in so much shock I could barely breathe. Story bowed, and walked back over to us. She jumped in my arms. “I don’t want to be pelted with ninja stars if I don’t get you something, you got me?” I told her. She nodded, and chuckled. “Jewl? Your turn!” Victor said, rubbing his hands together. Jewl let go of Obie’s hand and walked out to the middle of the room. The white coats were cleaning up Story’s mess she made out of the dummy. “You will test on Jake.” Victor grinned. Jake stepped out, looking worried. I was ready to go home. Jake had blonde hair, green eyes, and pale skin. He was very attractive, but in some way, he seemed extremely strange. He didn’t have much expression to his face. Jewl stood on her tippitoes and blew a kiss in his face. All of a sudden, Jake was on his knees and reciting Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliett." He kissed her hand, and Obie was growling softly behind me. Jake stood up and started kissing Jewl. Obie ran out in the arena, and blew away everyone. His arms grew about 100 times bigger with muscles, and he punched Jake into the wall. Jake was out cold, and he looked lifeless. Obie turned back into his normal self and hugged Jewl. Jewl was blushing, embarrased. Jewl walked back over to me, and Victor whispered something into Obie’s ear. Obie grew into the hulk again and jumped up high. When he came back down, he punched his hand into the floor, and the floor cracked in the whole room. Jewl was twirling her hair around and had a big grin on her face. Obie put his muscles away, and ran over to Jewl and twirled her around in the air. They were the cutest things ever. Obie slowly leaned over and gently kissed Jewl, and Jewl seemed like the happiest girl in the world. Story jumped out of my arms and went over to them. Liam put his arm around me, and I leaned into his chest. "Can we get out of this place now?" I whined. He smiled. "Just wait a little longer. Wait until you see what I can do." he chuckled. I felt his warm breath on the top of my head. I took a deep breath. Victor pointed to Ariel, and Ariel gulped and stood up to prepare herself. Oh gosh, I was worried.

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