Chapter 8

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 Chapter 8:

        Liam was onto them. They walked for about an hour until Liam was sweating so bad he looked like a bucket full of water spilled on him. They sat on a few boxes behind a restaurant and rested for a few minutes. Ariel sat in a ball, rocking back and forth. Her small cries were barely heard. Then, Liam stood up. Ariel jumped in Jewl’s arms, and Jewl held Obie’s hand tightly. When the tall blue building stood in front of them, Liam smiled. “Are Jordan and Story in here?” Jade asked. “We’ll find out sooner or later.” Liam said, as he picked her up. Ariel was asleep now.

       She looked very peaceful. “Check the windows!” Jade suggested. All of them ran to different windows. Jewl put Ariel down. After about 10 minutes, everyone but Liam and Obie gave up. “It’s no use! They’re gone!” Jade said. “I can sense them though!” Liam said. When Jewl realized that Obie was gone, she screamed. “OBIE!” she yelled. “Over here! I see her! I see her!” Obie yelled from behind the building. Everyone ran to see him, after Ariel had woken up and Jewl picked her up. Obie stood there, with a big smile on his face. Liam looked through the window. Clearly, Jordan and Story were strapped to hospital beds.

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