Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

           We woke up to broad daylight. We had only slept for an hour and a half. “The plane is getting ready to land. Please turn off all electronical devices so we may have a successful landing.” The attendant said. Liam still held my hand tightly. It was very sweaty. I still rested my head on his shoulder. I sat up and slowly looked behind me. Jewl and Obie were still asleep, and Jade and Story were awake, but they still looked very tired. They had dark circles under their eyes. Poor things. I woke up Jewl, and she woke Obie. His gash looked a little better than before. I hope he felt a little better too. I know that had to hurt. About 15 minutes later, we were getting off the plane, thankfully. Finally we got something done without having to kill sombody. Once we were outside of the airport, I looked around for danger, because I was paranoid. Somebody could be watching us, you know. “I bet Ariel is being tortured to death right now.” I said, worried. “Jordan. CHILL OUT.” Liam said, frustrated, and then he hugged me as I cried. The tears soaked his shirt, but he didn’t care. He wanted to comfort me. I am so lucky. “I want my only baby sister, my precious baby sister who I promised to protect back in my arms.” I sobbed, not able to say words right. “We will get her back. Don’t worry, Jo.” Liam said. I wiped my teary eyes, and let go of him. “Okay, let’s start now. Let me turn into a large bird again.” I said. I slowly morphed into the large bird. No one noticed that I was now a bird. They were all stuck in their own little world, from being tired. I got their attention by making a very loud cheep, and they woke up and climbed onto my back. I stepped back, and then ran and took off into the cloudy blue sky. 

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