Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

            Ariel slowly dragged herself to the middle of the room. “Ariel, work your magic.” Victor said creepily. Man, I wanted to punch him in the nose. Ariel looked at me and cracked a smile. I smiled back at her. She closed her eyes slowly, and then she was gone. My heart skipped a beat. I looked all around the room. She was nowhere, anywhere! She was… invisible! I saw her reappear behind Victor, and she put her fingers to her lips, telling me not to make a sound. She turned invisible again and not long after, Victor was on the floor yelping in pain. Ariel appeared again next to me. We all chuckled in unison. Victor stood up, not looking happy. Jade walked out, already knowing it was her turn. A woman walked out next to her. Her name tag said Grace. Jade turned towards us. We gave her a thumbs up. She turned back to look at Grace. Grace looked scared to death. I kind of felt sorry for her. Grace looked hypnotized in the next few seconds. She started dancing like a chicken, and ran into a wall, hard. A huge red spot appeared on her forehead, but she didn't show any signs of pain. She got up and started singing Mary Had A Little Lamb, and then she pulled out her wallet and gave it to Jade. Jade put it in her pocket quickly. Nobody else noticed the whole wallet thing but me. Victor was turned away, talking to Jake, who looked completely broken. He was sitting in a half broken wheelchair. He gave me a dirty look. I quickly turned my focus back onto Jade. Grace was asleep on the ground. Jade was now walking back towards us. I smiled at her widely. We could definitely use this power. I was so anxious to find out what my power was that I sighed out loud. Liam was next. Maybe they were saving best for last? The roof of the room came off suddenly, and then we were outside. Liam had a big grin on his face. He smiled at me, and winked. I felt my cheeks get hot. I picked Ariel up because she looked tired. “Rain.” Liam said quietly to himself. All of a sudden, heavy rain was pouring down on us. We weren’t getting wet! Liam then said the words lightning and thunder, and soon it was a storm. He stopped everything, by holding his hands up in the air and yanking them down. He then held his hand and pointed it at the ground. Lightning shot out of his hands! Lightning! I gasped. Liam gave me an I’m better than you look, and walked over to me. I was the only person left to go, and I was so nervous, and worried mine wouldn't be as cool as everyone elses. I walked out in the grass. We were still outside. “Jordan. Close your eyes and think of something. Like an animal.” Victor said. I closed my eyes, and pictured a crocodile. Nothing happened. Nothing at all. “You have to believe.” Victor said. His words flooded my thoughts. I believed in becoming a crocodile. Focusing, I opened my eyes and started to sink down lower, and my arms and legs grew longer, and I saw my own mouth strectch out and I gasped. I was a crocodile!  I chomped my teeth together, and looked at Liam. His eyes were widened in horror. I tried to talk to him, but I couldn’t. “The only bad thing is that you can’t talk.” Victor said. I was upset. “But you can turn into any animal, and any person." He said. I felt extremely strong, and Liam’s jaw was dropped. I thought of Justin Bieber. I was back into human form again, and I started dancing. Ariel jumped up and down. She loves Justin Bieber. I can't stand that boy, but I did it for her.“You can talk when you’re in human form though. You sound exactly like that person.” Victor said. “And I was like baby, baby, baby oh!” I sang. I sounded pretty good. But just like Justin Bieber. Ugh. Then I turned back into myself. “Whoa!” I yelled. I gave Liam a retuning I’m better than you look, and he blushed. I love it when guys blush. They think they’re all macho, but when they blush they look like wimps. It’s hilarious and cute at the same time. “We’re leaving for Vietnam tomorrow morning! Get some rest!” Victor yelled at us. I looked at him in hatred. “You guys can rest right now. We are preparing your rooms.” Grace said. She had just woken up recently, because her hair was all messed up. I motioned everyone to gather in a circle with  me. "We need to get out of here. If we go to Vietnam, we're dead.“I’m going to turn into a lion in 2 minutes, and then you guys need to jump in and hold on tight!" I said seriously. “How are we going to do that? There's like, a million of them!" Jade said. “Liam, if anyone tries to get us, kill them with lightning. I'm serious! Then jump on quickly and we can go back home!” I said. "Jordan, not to burst your bubble, but I don't think home is the safest place right now." Liam said sadly. I was on the verge of tears. "Then, we can just find a new place." I said. We broke up the circle, and I told everyone that it was time. I morphed into a lion, quickly. Everyone jumped on, and I heard yelling and screaming, and a loud siren going off. I ran off, hoping that everything would be okay.

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