Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

          Ariel wiped her wet eyes and sadly leaned against Liam. Even though she was angry, she needed him to comfort him. Everyone sat together on a large park bench outside the diner. Liam was so angry with himself. Was he crazy? What had happened back there? Some demon must've taken control. Jordan would never forgive him. Seeing her crushed face broke his heart. He felt like crying. Liam’s shirt had a huge wet spot on it from Ariel's tears. He didn’t mind, though. He deserved worse. He deserved a punch in the face.

         Life felt different without Jordan and Story being there all the time. Obie held Jewl’s hand, as Jewl looked towards the ground. She was furious with Liam because she always thought that he was going to be good to Jordan, and never hurt her. Now she's gone. She could be dead! She started to cry too. This made Liam feel worse. Ariel’s little worried red eyes stared down at the ground. A little while later, Liam felt so bad he burst into tears. Everyone comforted him. "I'm sorry!" he said. A little bit later he stood up and walked around.

       He walked to the left, and attempted to try to find her. Everyone stood up and followed him. Maybe he could feel her. He walked to the right. Nothing. The left, nothing. "Let's split up." he said. "NO! If Jordan was kidnapped, there could be other people around. We have to stay together." Jade said. Liam nodded, and thought hard. "Let's just look for her everywhere." he said. He began to panic inside. Where could they be? Were they okay? If he didn't find them soon, he'd break down.

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