Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

         Liam sipped his ice cold water. He wondered where Jordan was. Was she okay? “Liam, you’re a jerk! Now Jordan is gone, and she could’ve been taken!” Jewl yelled. Liam looked down, feeling even worse now that Jewl had pointed out the obvious.  Jessica brought over the food that they had ordered after Jordan ran off. Jessica tried to sit on Liam’s lap, but he pushed her on the floor. Her face flushed with anger, and she got up. Liam ate a French fry, and they all ate in silence. “I’m going to find Jordan.” Ariel said, and stood up. Liam grabbed her arm as she exited the booth. “LET ME GO!” she yelled and tried to pull away from him. Liam let her go, but Ariel sat down. “I don’t know what happened to me. I have no idea. I will talk to Jordan. Explain why that happened. But right now, I don’t need my family to betray me either. Please stay with me. You don’t have to like me right now, but I just need you to bear with me! Please!” he said quietly. “Alright, but I don’t like you right now. You need to make things better with Jordan right when you see her again. I don’t like her being upset. I’ve NEVER seen her cry before.” Jewl said. After they finished eating, they left a 40 dollar bill on the table. “Keep the change.” Liam told Jessica. She started to smile, but she didn’t. They ran out of the diner, and yelled Jordan’s name.  No answer.

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