Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

     Nighttime was coming very close, and we were still flying in the dark, cloudy air. I flew over a large clump of trees, so we were obviously in a forest somewhere. Everyone looked really tired still, so I aimed downward, and landed safely in an open patch of land. I let everyone off, and morphed into myself once again. “Let’s sleep. I know everyone is really tired, so we need to rest up before we find her.” I said. “Is there any possible way you can morph into a 5 star hotel room with a TV, refrigerator filled with junk food, and 3 king sized memory foam beds with memory foam pillows? Oh and with a bathroom??” Jade asked, hopeful. We all turned to look at her like she was crazy. “What? You can always try!” Jade said, embarrassed. I sighed, and then we all sat down, in a perfect circle, and laid down to rest. I scooted over so that I was next to Liam, and I lay my head on his chest. He put his arm around my waist, and kissed my head.

    I couldn't sleep. Not at all. Liam was still awake, and he sat up, bringing me up with him. "It's still night, and everyone is asleep. Let's go somewhere for a little bit, and talk." He said, forming a cloud with his hands. He made it big enough for both of us to sit on. He lifted me up to sit on it, and he crawled up next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder, and then we were in the air, the wind blasting my hair everywhere. "I need this." I said, smiling at him. "You've been too stressed lately. Just relax, and let me do the work." he said. For a while I just embraced the coolness of the night and the beautiful scenery. Finally, we arrived at the place he wanted to take me to. It was a large rock that faced the ocean. It was so beautiful. We landed, and the cloud disappeared. We sat on the edge, our feet dangling. We leaned back and looked up at the starry night sky. The moon shined so bright, and he looked at me. "Where do you think she..." I started to say, until he put his finger on my lips. He kissed me. "Well, that shut me up." I said, blushing. He smiled at me. "Jordan, I love you. Don't worry about Ariel right now. Just embrace this moment." he said. I crawled into his lap, and he held me tightly. "Wanna go for a swim?" he asked. I giggled. "Sure." I said. I morphed into myself, but with a polka dot bikini. He just took his shirt off. Wow. Beautiful abs. I was staring at them, until he grabbed my hand, and smiled at me. "Jump on the count of 3?" he asked. I nodded. "1....2....3...!" we yelled in unison. And then we leaped off of the extremely high cliff's edge. Then I belonged to gravity. I had nothing to support me now. I screamed my heart out until the ocean poured all over my body. The cold water gave me a headache, but I blocked out the pain as I shot up to the surface, and gulped a heap of the air. Liam grabbed me quickly. We laughed in unison. "Fun?" he asked. I nodded. We floated at the top, hand in hand. I felt so peaceful. My heart was beating so fast, from the adrenaline rush. Finally, I was living my life. We heard a splash from behind us, and we looked to see what it was. A very large amount of sharks were circling, probably waiting to eat us for dinner. I looked at Liam and started panicking. "Liam..." I said, panting. "Just. Don't. Move." he said very quietly. I grasped his hand, and then the sharks started to get closer. "Liam!" I yelled this time. "Hold on Jo! I'm trying to figure out a plan here!" he yelled. All of a sudden, Liam was under the water, and I got dragged under along with him. I let go, and shot up to the surface yet again. "Oh no!" I yelled. The only thing I could think of was turning into a great white shark. I morphed quickly, and went under the water. I could see perfectly! "No time for this now, Jordan!" I thought to myself. I swam deeper, and finally saw Liam. He was getting ready to be eaten. I shot towards the cloud of sharks, and I thought of one thing to get rid of them. Fish! I lured in the fish, and brought them over to the pile of sharks. They hurried to swim away, as all of the sharks went away from Liam and went after the fish. I breathed a sigh of relief, and morphed into myself. I swam up with Liam, who had passed out and had a very large gash on his chest. I cried, as I morphed into a bird, and flew back up to the rock with him. I let go, and he lyed there, looking lifeless. I morphed back to me, and quickly leaned down. He still had a very faint heartbeat. The gash was very deep, and I put my mouth onto his, and blew so hard, I felt like passing out. My head hurt so bad, and I was very tired. I took my hands and pushed onto his upper chest. Nothing happened. "No! No no no!" I yelled, crying. Why, oh why? Why me? Why me, lord? I sobbed, and then the darkness clouded my vision, and I fell to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2012 ⏰

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