Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

            “Don’t you have any contact with your sister?” Victor asked. “No. But even if I did, which I wish I did have contact with her, I would rather die than tell you anything!” Ariel yelled at him, filled with rage. Ariel was trying very hard to get out of the heavy metal straps that held her down tightly. “What are you going to do to me?” Ariel asked, worried about her future. She missed her family very bad. Jordan had to be coming pretty soon. “We’re going to Venezuela. You’ll never be able to escape. We’re going to try to lure in Jordan and your… special… friends.” He said slowly. “Why are you doing this to us? Why not any other family?” Ariel demanded to know. “Your family was just perfect for the job, and I will do anything to get what I want! Does that answer all of your questions? Because I’m sick of you and your snotty little attitude already.” He said. Ariel rolled her eyes and sighed. Oh, how she wanted to kill him. Victor unstrapped her and Jake and Grace grabbed her by her arms and legs and threw her in an extremely small cage. It was very  uncomfortable. After making sure she was locked in the cage securely, so she couldn't get out, the cage was thrown in the back of a van that was going to take her to a private jet that was waiting for them, out a few miles. Victor was finally getting what he wanted. All his life he was ignored and mistreated by his family, and now he was finally getting his chance to rule the world. He knew this would make Jordan mad. Really mad. The truck was almost to the jet. Ariel was scared to death, for her, and her family. She wondered if Jordan had noticed she was gone. Surely she had. Ariel began to bawl, and Victor leaned back to her cage and yelled at her for crying. Ariel curled up in a ball, and tried to sleep.

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