Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

     After about an hour, we arrived in an old fashioned town. We found a nice looking woman. “Mam? Is this Panama?” I asked sweetly and innocently. “We’re in Tennessee you dummy!” she said like we were a bunch of stupid dirty hobos and walked off. “That was nice!” I yelled at her. She didn’t look back. “We need to find another airport.” Jade spoke. “Yes. We know that, Jade.” I said, frustrated. We found a rest station, and all went to the bathroom. I found a very detailed map of Tennessee and looked it over. Right now, we’re in Gatlinburg, which was southern Tennessee. The nearest airport was 40 miles away. "Of course! Just what we need! More time to waste!" I thought to myself. We were maybe walking for a half-hour, until we heard scuffling behind us. I looked behind me quickly, and saw what seemed to be 100 men in black suits walking behind us, in the distance. The sky was as black as could be, so we couldn’t tell who they were. I silently gave everybody a warning look and we picked up our pace. “I’m going to morph into a cheetah, and you better jump on my back when I growl. “I whispered to Liam. He repeated it to everyone else. I quickly morphed into a cheetah, and growled. They all jumped up on me. I started running very fast. Story’s nails dug into my fur. Poor thing. She was scared to death. It stung, but I ignored it and ran into the starry night sky. “We’re losing them!” Obie yelled. I ran in the middle of the road, because no one was out at this time. Jade was looking at the map. It was so hard to read it because of how black the sky was. She was also groaning because I was running so fast. “We need to take exit 281 to get to the airport!” she yelled. In about 15 minutes, I saw exit 281, and ran to the the side. After about 1 minute, we arrived. Wow, that was quick! Everyone got off after I came to a complete stop, and I finally morphed back into myself. I took a deep breath, and shook off. We ran inside, just in case the guys could still see us. I looked over the flight charts, and saw Panama! We ran to the counter where you get the tickets. I was out of breath, so it took me a moment to catch it. The flight was at 12:30am, and it was 12:27! “6 12:30am tickets to Panama please!” I said. “Sorry kid, that plane is getting ready to take off!  It’s too late.” The lady at the counter who was smacking gum said. Jade used her mind tricks and got us tickets. I love that girl. She got a pretty useful power. She gave me a wink before we took off. We hurried through security and managed to get on the plane right before it took off. No men in black suits were on the plane, thank god. We sat in the same formation of seats as before. Once the plane took off, I got settled. Liam grasped my hand tightly, and I slowly closed my eyes. It had been one crazy day, and I was ready to relax, and catch up with myself.

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