Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

            I woke up in the same place, the hotel room, and stretched. I was sore all over. I stood up and walked out of the room. There were a bunch of doctors that were waiting for me. “Come, we have your friends.” One of them said, and took me to an insanely large room. The doctor pushed me inside and I stumbled and fell. They cracked up as I stood up and walked over to my family. “You guys have 2 hours to chat before we test the experiments.” the doctor said, and slammed the door. I turned to face Liam, Jewl, Obie, Jade, Ariel, and Story. Ariel jumped out of the chair she was sitting in and jumped in my arms. I embraced her little body. “Jordan, I was so worried!” she cried. “Shh, it’s okay. We’re all here now, together. We will get out of here.” I said. She smiled and I put her down. Obie and Jewl walked over and gave me hugs. They didn’t say anything to me. “We’ll talk later.” Jewl whispered in my ear. I nodded back at her as she went back to sitting down. Jade smiled at me, but didn't get up out of her chair. I walked over to her, and gave her a hug myself. She wasn’t much of a hugging type of person, but she actually hugged me back this time. Now it was time to talk to Liam. Everyone looked up at us like they were ready for us to sort it out in front of them. I rolled my eyes. I was still extremely angry with Liam. He clasped my hand and pulled me inside a smaller room. The door closed behind us, and we sat on the couch. “You really hurt me Liam. How could you do that to me? So sudden, to a girl you didn’t even know? It broke my heart, and you know how hard my life has been, Liam. I trusted you with my life.” I said sadly. “Yes, Jo, I know. I really am sorry. I have no idea what happened to me. That girl was a piece of garbage compared to you. I am so sorry. I don’t know how I can make it up to you, but I really am sorry, and I feel terrible. Without you, my life is an empty, black hole. I love you with all my heart, and you helped me to realize that I had a reason to live. Please find it in your heart to forgive me, baby.” He said. I smiled, and stroked his cheek. “You had me at I am so sorry.” I said. We made up and finished off with a long, extended kiss. He leaned back into the couch. I crawled next to him, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We talked for a little bit more, but my eyes started to get droopy. That needle really took the life out of me. I buried my head into his chest, and fell asleep.

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