Chapter 1

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                                                ⚠️!Warning mentions of violence and gore!⚠️

You had always had a horrible fear of androids. It all started when your parents lost there job to an Android when you were five. All those happy memories started disappearing after the loss of money. They started turning to red ice and alcohol. 

They even neglected you.

Luckily you had an Android to take care of you at such a young age. You had got her at the age of 2 and had named her Sky, an AX400 model. She was like the mother you had lost all those years before. 

You had a younger brother named whane. He was always so sweet and nice to you. You still miss him too this day. 

After your parents lost there jobs due to Androids they developed a burning hatred towards androids. They would take out all of that hatred on you, your brother and mainly sky. 

Your father, being more stronger than your mother mainly abused Sky, since she was more resistant to wounds and pain.

 Your mother focused on you and your brother, but it was more verbal abuse than physical. But at such a young age it still felt just as worse.

One day you awoke to the terrified screaming of sky, but this time it sounded more serious. You slipped out from the warmth of your blanketing, looking over to your brothers bed. But instead of a peaceful sleeping brother, there was an empty bed. 

More loud screaming rang trough out the house, catching your attention. You tip-toe your way out into the hall, you look down to see your parents door eliminating light. You look down stairs, the TV was shining through out the house. 

Probably your mom passed out drunk on the couch, again. But your main priority was sky. You quietly peek into the room, carefully as to not make any noise.

Sky was up against the wall, your fathers tight strong grip around sky's neck. "SKY!!" You call,bursting through the door. You lunge your self at your father, hitting and kicking him as hard as you can. "STOP IT YOU MONSTER! SHE DIDNT SO ANYTHING WRONG!" You yell in his face, spit flying onto his face.

 With one swing of your fathers arm, you were knocked up against the wall, winding you. "(Y/N) NO!" Sky cryied. That was the last straw for sky, she had finally reached her Breacking point. 

With the little time she had sky used the last of her strength to kick your father in the stomach. Sky Reached behind her to grab the gun on the night stand. 

It was always loaded, you were told that if you ever were to touch it it would be used against you. Your father kept it there for 'safety precautions' but you always knew it was there to threaten you and your brother. 

Sky flipped the safety off, aiming it at your fathers forehead. Her hands and body shaking.

She shot him in the head before he could even get a chance to run away

You watched as your fathers lifeless body fell to the floor, a pool of crimson red blood forming under his head. His eyes still displaying fear and anger. You saw the wound we're the bullet had struck him, the wound also oozing blood.

You stared in horror at your dead father, backing up against the wall. Sure he might have had hurt you in more ways than one, but he was still family and you still loved him.

Your mother rushed into the room, looking confused and half awake. This caught sky's attention, her eyes darting from you to your mother. 

((Oh your mother, father and brother will look however you want them to look like))

Your mother had her phone to her ear, most likely on the phone with 911. "Hello miss?" A muffled voice said on the other line of the cheap, probably stolen phone. 

She took a step back, about to run for her life. But a bullet pierced her stomach before she could run. 

The loud gunshots rang through the house as your mother hit the ground, making a loud thud.

You looked up, your (e/c) eyes meeting sky's. You let out a tiny Yelp in shock, clinging to the wall like your life depended on it.

but in this case it did

"(Y/N) look there gone now, they can't hurt us anymore" Sky said taking a step towards you, reaching out to you. 

You swatted her hand away, covering your eyes so you don't have to see your lifeless parents again. The smell of metal filled your nose as you began to break down. 

You heard a loud knock down stairs, followed by a voice. A few seconds later you heard the door swing open, ramming into the wall.

Sky cursed under her breath, aiming her gun at the door way.

You couldn't tell what happened after that, all you heard were screaming and gunshots. 

"No no no no no no no no" You reaped to your self, crying even harder

You could hear a loud thud followed by some shuffling. "It' Dead" a voice called, "we got a kid over here" 

Your blood went cold, you swung your head up to lock eyes with an older man. He had silver hair and a beard to match. 

"no no no NO NO NO PLEASE NO DONT HURT ME I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!" You yelled, your voice slightly cracking from sobbing so much. 

"Woah, woah slow down kid, we're not gonna hurt ya" the man said in a calm, sincere voice "we're here to help you, my name's Hank" he said, reaching his hand out.

You started at him and his hand for a moment, studying his every movement. 


"Well nice to meet you (Y/N)" hank chirped, putting his hand back into his pocket.


They took you back to the DPD, asked you many questions. You told them everything that had happened, except for you brother. 

Personally you were inspired by everyone that had saved you, especially Hank. 

So you made a promise to yourself, that when your old enough you were going to help people just like you. 

You went through many homes and orphanages, you just couldn't seem to trust any one anymore. So you started pushing people away. 

But even worse than that you had grown a horrible fear of androids, when ever you saw one the memories of sky flooded your head. 

                                   But that will soon change~

((OOF BIG MEGA ROBLOX OOF I think that was horrible, I could no better. But hey don't blame me! This was my first fanfic. I tried my best okay?! Word count is 1118)) 

Sighing out 

And much love 

Luna🌙  ))

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