Chapter 3

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The footsteps got closer, and closer, the taping noise echoed through the hallway, shaking your very core. Your breathing quickened as you began to have another panic attack. 

"No no no no no" You began to whisper to yourself.

 You were hyperventilating now, and you could hear your heartbeat ring in your ears.

Until the footsteps stopped

They had stopped right in front of the door.

Everything stopped, like time had just frozen. (Y/N) could move even if she tried too, she was too scared to move 

"(Y-Y/N)? It's me Hank"

You let out a small sigh of relief, though still quite scared.

" h-hey so I know this might be not the best time to bug you and I know you need some time to process everything but" 

He paused, you could see his shadowy figure shift In the crack under the door. 

" heh so we got assigned a plastic prick to be our partner, I said we didn't need him and that we didn't even wanna take on the deviant cases but asshole fowler said otherwise". 

"I told it to not go near you, hope that makes you feel safer but hey I'm always here to protect you kiddo" Hank said though his voice was muffled.

 A smile crept onto your lips, you were glad Hank was there to comport you.

"T-thanks Hank" you managed to squeak out. 

" no problem kid, oh and the way..heh...well um" 

Hank paused once more. 

"We've been assigned a new case" 

"I don't think I'm up to going out right no-"

 you said before being cut off by Hank

 "heh well about that, caption says that if you don't take on this'll be fired...and it's probably because I made him mad by arguing....heh heh....sorry" 


((Sorry for short chapter I just fell HORRIBLE like no joke

Word count is 311 ))

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