Chapter 11

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The sun reached through the thick trees as it swallowed the two into the woods, birds chirping, the cold winter autumn breeze rustling the trees. 

You truly were a peace, happy and content, not a care in the world.

 Using the two items that you bought from Mashy Mart you had let Connor listen to some of your favorite songs.

 You leaned back, releasing a small sigh, a large happy smile on your face. The last song ended, a moment of silence before playing your favorite song; 

Cut My Hair by Mounika. Featuring Cavetown. 

You began to hum the melody, swaying slightly to the music that filled your ears. 

The song sum what reminded you of your life, as you listened to the lyrics you thought of your life, all the pain in it. 

Till the music just stopped. 

You peek open an eye, your phone in Connor's hand, his saddened gaze met yours.

" I apologize, but may I ask why did you want me to listen to such a sad song? Should I be considered for your mental health (y/n)?" He asked, his gaze softening. A small smile crept to your lips.

" no Connor" you say with a start

" I just like the song, it reminds me of my life, well...that's the best I can explain it"

 Connor's POV

I am deeply concerned for her, I don't know what I would do if she did ever hurt herself; I just needed to know more so I can assure she is safe.


I grab onto her shoulder, shaking her hopefully intimidating her, to scare her into answering.

"I want to make sure you're okay so please tell me what happened" 

Her (e/c) eyes flutter a few times, flicking around our lush green surroundings, though my eyes are locked onto hers.

 She sighed in defeat, again not resisting. Good that's a sign of cooperation.

" for the most part my childhood was good" she started " until I turned about 7 or 8, my dad worked for cyberLife until he lost his job my mom lost hers to" 

A normal case now and days, Androids have been replacing more and more jobs 

" and with no other option they turned to red ice and getting drunk, neglecting me" she used her soft hand to pull on her sleeve, obviously anxious remembering these bad memories in her life.

" now promise you won't tell anyone, you and Hank are the only people who have heard this story"

I use a finger to lift her chin up, her eyes meet mine.

" promise "

A smile lit up on her warm face, her gaze was soft and full of light.

" I had I brother, he was the sweetest, when my parents lost their jobs they also turned to abuse, I miss him, I don't know were he is now" hot tears formed in her eyes as they rolled down her face.

" when they lost there job they formed one more thing, a hate for...androids though that still had an Android" 

she voice cracked a few times, she paused to gasp for breath.

" she was the same model as the one we were chasing down the freeway earlier, her name was sky"

She had started shaking, clenching her sleeves even tighter now.

" one day I woke up in the middle of the night, my brother gone any sky up against the wall being choked by my father. I tried fighting but just ended up getting hurt my self" 

"Then I quest she just...snapped s-she pulled-ed a g-g-gun our and s-shot him in the h-head" she was shaking even more now, showing even more signs of a panic attack as she progressed with her story.

" I saw it all, my mom came into the room with the police on the phone but...she shot h-her t-too"

 her placed her hand on her head, pulling her legs to her chest, rocking slowly back and forth. 

" but she didn't s-shoot me, n-n-no not until they c-came, not until the police came and s-s-shot her"

" I thought she l-love-ed me, s-she was g-going to s-s-shoot me"

Her voice was shaky, she needed to calm down, but I needed answers.

" see I knew that my father was right, you can't t-trust an-androids they d-don't f-feel anything"

 I felt a pang in my chest, logically speaking she was correct; Androids don't feel anything, I shouldn't feel anything..

But why do I feel so hurt right now?

"B-but then I was saved, they shot her in the head, I collapsed onto the floor,pathetically, while the one and only Hank Anderson came to my aid" 

I connected the dots, it did make sense, the reason why her and hank are so close; now I finally understood her more, satisfied, yet I still felt some way seeing her like this.


So why did I feel the need to hug her, comfort her till her dried tears stained my shirt. So why did I want to comfort her till she felt safe and loved, till she stopped crying...


"hey Connor"

I swear I could record her saying my name and play it on repeat forever.

" thank you "

 her voice was muffled through my shirt, she nuzzled her face further into my chest.

" this place, it's were my parents used to take me and my brother when we're young, it's were they got engaged at" 

good, an explanation for everything, though I would assume a sad explanation for (y/n).

" come now (y/n), there's no need to thank me...."

".....l'll always be here for you, (y/n) "


(( OHHH THE FEELS Connor you have all my UwU's  You pure innocent sweet bun 

Word count is 954 )) 

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