Chapter 13

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((Recommend song for this chapter: kakegurui, Bewitching Madness and biteing nails all from the kakegurui original soundtrack I DO NOT OWN THE MUSIC NOR DO I TAKE CREDIT FOR IT 

Tank you~ )) 


They hadn't moved, they were frozen in time. It could go one of two ways:

Connor dies or Danny dies

And neither of them intends on that happening. 

It was like an intense game of cards, waiting for the other to take your turn. But in this game there was a twist that none of them knew about,

Nor would they ever want to know. 

(( hint hint wink wink 

Anyone else hyped for the new season of kakegurui? Ehhhhhhhh???))

Connor contained his excitement, no sighs of emotion on his face, a stone cold expression. Danny in the other hand was calm and collected, through in the inside containing a mixture of fear and anger.

But if you bottle up something long enough

It will break

Danny knew the risks of telling Connor all of these things, but he didn't care,

He needed to take care of his angel 

(( oh gosh I now realize how creepy I'm making Danny 

eh screw it the story needs some spice anyways)) 

" so tell me Connor"

Danny pulled out his first card, his first move.

" you know something about (y/n) that I don't, and your going to tell me about it weather you like it on not"

Three of clubs, weak move.

" I know nothing more about her that you don't already know"

Connor's move now

And he intended to beat the weak card

" okay let me give you a run down of what I already know then, just to make sure we're on the same page, yeah!?"

Danny, he had intersected Connor's move, though again with a weak card. 

" I used to work as a assistant for a Nobel man, but that was before I became a deviant. I ran away, never turning back and ended up in this very city. I ran till I had stopped at a large bridge, and guess who was there?"

 Danny was going to make another move, Connor, now cornered, struggling in the vast pit of insanity.

 " (y/n), she was leaning over the edge, watching as something floated away. That's when I finally spoke to her for the first time, just hearing her voice was all I needed" 

Danny's face went cold 

" but she never spoke to me, she left, so I came back to the very same spot at the same time the next night. And there she was! And this time she spoke! We actually had a conversation! 

So I came back again and again, each night. Till one day she never appeared.." 

 Danny paused, face turning quickly from joyful to dulled and dismal.

" then like an angel from the heavens she came down to me and took me to her heaven!" He spread his arms out, face contorting with every word.

Queen of hearts

Tough card to beat

" but there was one thing that didn't add up, when I asked why she had taken me in usually she wouldn't give me an answer, but when she showed up with you that one night she gave me an answer, do you know what it was? It was:

' because your amusing' 

" do you know that she's always covered in blue blood?

 she rambles on about Android parts that are only accessible if anyone were to disassemble an Android 

do you know she goes missing sometimes? 

Did you know that whenever an Android is mentioned her mood changes drastically?

 Did you know that she has a fear of androids?

 See I bet you know a lot of things Connor and that's why I need you to tell me what you know about my angel Connor, I've very well killed for her you know?

 And I don't mind killing you Connor!"

 His hand traveled to his back pocket 

" so Connor.." Danny started 

" tell me what (y/n) told you and we won't have to do this" 

He pulled out a gun


Danny had placed and ace

An ace of spades

He pointed it at Connor's head, a wicked smile on his face.

 " I don't think (y/n) would enjoy me sharing her personal information" 

Connor said slyly, pushing the gun away.

Danny shot the gun, the bullet grazed Connor's cheek, just barely missing.

 Connor swiftly grabbed Danny's wrist, trying to force the gun from his hand. With one hard shove Danny was pushed to the ground, gun now in Connor's hand. 

Danny struggled to get back up, but with a swift kick Connor knocked him back to the floor. 

Connor had pulled the trump card

The joker 

Connor pulled the gun to Danny's head, Danny's eyes were filled with anger and excitement, as if he enjoyed this to its full extent.

 Connor finger slowly applied pressure to the trigger, aiming carefully. 

Till a small voice caught both of there attention, finger releasing the trigger. 

It was none other than (y/n) 



Still sick tho




And you yea you just

Your just there


Ahhhhhh sorry for short chapter

I promise more for the next one

Word count is 889

Luna OUT )) 

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