Chapter 5

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•。Kara's POV。

"Wake up Alice" I say warmly, shaking her a bit. "Good morning" I say. Alice groaned as she got up, stretching and yawning. I smile sweetly, this may not be the best place for a little girl but it's the best we can do right now. 

I slowly get up to look around the house more, I'm going to need a different look if I want to pass as a human. As I peek into the room I last saw Ralph in I noticed he wasn't here.


I walked upstairs, the floor boards squeaky from my weight. Walking down the hallway a see a bathroom, perfect. I look at myself in the mirror, I look myself in the eyes. 

My brow furrowed as I slowly rose the scissors to my LED. I popped it out, it made a clicking noise as it hit the sink. The artificial skin formed in the spot were one was my LED, now on to my hair. I cut it short, hair falling to the floor with every slice. 

I smiled to myself as I walked into another room with a wardrobe in it. Hopefully it had some other clothes in it, and lucky enough it did. 

I quickly got changed into them setting my old clothes into the closet. As I closed the door I noticed something or someone outside our house.

"Oh no

•~<3 person POV>~•

"We need to leave before it finds us" it says holding on to the other. "Hurry we can make a run for it"

It said, voice trembling and hushed. A laugh filled the dark room, ringing throughout the whole room. A pair of piercing eyes were now visible from the shadows. Along with the shimmer from the gun clenched in her tight grip.

"Make a run for it? HAHAH you're funny"

She said in her sadistic like voice 

"W-who are you!?"

She got closer, taking a single step every few seconds

" your an WR300 model and you in the corner your a AC900 model huh?"


He face turned dull and cold

"Don't raise your voice, you'll hurt my feelings"


A gunshot rang through the dark damp room, the Android feel to the floor as the color in their led dissolved.

The other one began to scream and cry, begging the other Android to come back.

"Hey don't cry there never going to come back but I know how to help!"

The Android looked up, tears spilling from its eyes.


She raised the gun, shooting it instantly. The bullet pierced its forehead, it's body tensing up before releasing as it hit the floor. ((*insert windows power down sound* ))

"By joining the other"

She chuckled even harder, happy with her work. She put the gun on safety again, thinking of even more fun ways she would use on her next victim. Or better yet the way she would dispose of these body's.

"Oh and by the way" she cooed

"The names (Y/N)" 

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