Chapter 7

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Adrenaline pumped through your body, you pushed all your strength into running. If you catch one of the on the fence it would still help with the mission. 

Just as you thought the deviant was still on the other side of the fence. You looked deep into her eyes, they reminded you of sky's


That was sky

Well at least her model, but what made it worse it that she was with the child. 







NO   NO   NO

You tried moving your leg, it was glued in place. You just wanted to strangle her, yet still you were frozen in fear.


They were almost over the fence, you could hear Hank and Connor approach you. 

Hank put a hand on your shoulder breaking you from your deep trance.


You yell running up to the fence, they were already on the other side. You began to clim the fence, but a hand pulled you down.

"Ah! Aye you are NOT climbing that fence!" You will get yourself killed!"Hank protests

"I do have to agree with lieutenant"Connor said, you could hear there voices they were drowned out. You could only focus on the Android. Your eyes flicked to the small sheen in Hanks pocket, the you remembered.

Hank always carries a gun with him

"I'm sorry Hank but I promise you I'm not going die not here not now"

You quickly grab the gun from his pocket climbing the fence with all your strength. You jump down, along with..Connor? You couldn't focus on that right now you just needed to capture the two. 

You race down the small hill, mentality preparing yourself to doge the cars. Running out into the road you spot the deviant, you lift your gun. Yet miss, luckily you didn't hit any cars. 

"Behind you!" You heard Connor's muffled voice, you quickly nearly doge a car. You run across the roadway, sweat running from your temples. 

Hot tears rushed from your eyes, slightly blurring your vision. They were already on the other side by the time Connor caught up to you.

 You dropped the gun from your shaking hands, dropping to the cold ground.


Your voice cracked, you were having another panic attack. You wrapped your arms around yourself, you were usually the only person to comfort yourself in these types of situations. 

Connors LED turned a deep yellow, his soft gaze fixated of your small figure. He looked towards the deviant and child, there was still a way he could catch them but he would have to leave you. Yet he didn't want to.


More tears filled your eyes as you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. You look up to see Connor and his warm chocolate eyes. You wrap your own arms around him, shaking and tired. 

In that moment you felt, safe, protected and at peace. You never wanted this to end, it was like the moment when you had started into his eyes.

"Come on detective"

Connor warm breath grazed your neck sending a shiver down your spine.

"Let's go"

(( oof I was listening to Kara's part of the sound track and I swear I almost cried writing this sorry for short chapter I just felt like that was a good time to end it 

Word count is 552 )) 

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