400 reads special

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This is for the 400 special. It's also for the summer, since winter is now officially over where I am hope u enjoy! Thank you so much and just a few more days till my birthday! Yay! I recommend listening to mango love by Shawn Wasabi, Classic by MTKO and tongue tied by Grouplove. Oh! And this story has a few extra characters, your welcome! Wink, wink.

Thank you so much for 400 reads you don't know how much you all mean to me 

Thank you 


You eyed yourself in the mirror, your slim figure now concealed in a (f/c) swim suit.

 (you choose how u want it to look like) 

"I wonder what's on the allusive mind of (y/n) this time" piped the familiar voice of your life long friend, Luna.

 (Ha! Welcome to an author self insert, Luna is my oc. She's 22 and has long, curly drown almost black hair. She usually wears a gray sweater, black boots and dark gray leggings but for the sake of the story she's in a swimsuit. I'll include a pic of her.) 

"Oh, quiet down Luna there's nothing on my mind, can I look at myself in the mirror?" You question, turning from the large mirror to the locker holding your belongings

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"Oh, quiet down Luna there's nothing on my mind, can I look at myself in the mirror?" You question, turning from the large mirror to the locker holding your belongings. 

"What are you worried about what you look like? Please it's only me, Hank, Danny, Maddison and Conn- oh I get it now your worried about Connor seeing you!" She said with a smug smile on her face, your cheeks flushed a bright red out of embarrassment. 

"S-shut up!" You yell, hitting her in the arm. 

She chuckled, yelping playfully as she began to play fight you. Until a small voice interrupted you both.

 "u-uh excuse me b-but the o-other are w-waiting for u-us" squeaked Maddison.

 Luna and you stopped dead in your tracks, Luna soon moving on to wrap an arm around the small Maddison. 

"Well then let's go!" Luna yelled excitedly, pushing Maddison out of the changing rooms. "Good luck" Luna said giving you a sly wink as she disappeared out the door. 

You let out a sigh, trying to calm yourself down, 

'come on (y/n) you can do this' you thought. 

You managed to muster up all of you courage, storming out of the changing room. The shining light of the sun reflecting off of the clear blue water was the first thing drawn to your eyes.

 Your group of friends were off in the distance to the right, some already in the ocean splashing water at each other. Your feet hit the hot sand as you started over to the others. 

Your eyes instantly shot towards Connor, who was next to Maddison building a sand castle.

 Hank sat under a umbrella, downing a pinã colada. Danny and Luna were chasing each other, slashing water and screaming like little kids. 

Maddison wore a navy blue one piece, along with a small jacket, Danny wore a pair of orange swim shorts. Hank wore a light blue Hawaiian flower print t-shirt along with shorts and sandals. Connor wore a dark blue hoodie and same colored swim shorts. 

Connor shot his head up to you, your eyed meet for a moment, both of your faces turning bright red. 

"Hey Connor!" Luna called, flashing you a smug smile

 "come join (y/n) and me!" She yelled, grabbing your hand as she led you into the cold water. 

Your eyes widened as you realized what she was trying to do, Danny ran past you, stopping at Connor to take his place and help Maddison. 

He reluctantly took off his hoodie to join you too, your face turned scarlet red.


 Luna giggled, walking off as she yelled "not my place to medal with, good luck (y/n)!". 

"Your friend appears to have left you, (y/n)" he said as he approached you. 

"Heh, yeah I guess she did" you said as you looked towards the clear blue water. 

You two stood there in silence for a while, not sure what to talk about.

 "So, uh (y/n) I think your swim suit looks good on you" she said. 

"Uh thanks Connor" you said, looking up to him 

"hey Connor, I heard that there's a ice cream booth somewhere around the beach, would you like to go with me?" You stutter, flashing him a smile. 

"S-sure" he bluntly said, letting you start first to the others. 

You both headed out to the ice cream booth, talking happily and cracking jokes to each other as the sun began to set.

 You arrived at the ice cream booth, it was a small booth, it had a bar for people to sit at and you both ordered the same flavor of "tropical mango". 

You eagerly took the ice cream from the employee as Connor payed. You handed him his cone of brightly colored colored ice cream. 

Suddenly, a clap of light lit up the night sky, followed by a loud 'boom'. More and more fire works  lit up the sky as you both ran down a hill to the shore line. 

Sparks of all colors filled the sky, you both stared in awe of the sky. You turned your head to look at Connor, his doe gazed glued to the sky.

'Is now or never (y/n), come on you can do it, it's just one peck on the cheek'

You slowly leaned in for the kiss, Connor turned his head to you at the wrong time, and suddenly your lips collided. 

You stepped back in shock, bug-eyed and speechless. 

"Oh! Connor I'm so sorry!" You frantically said, but cut off by Connor's lips once again on yours. 

You stood there in shock for a moment, before melting into the kiss. 

"tastes like pinã colada"



I hope that's good enough for ya 

7 more days till my birthday! 

Stay Gucci fam 



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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