Chapter 2

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You poured the hot, steaming fresh coffee into the two cups. Grabbing a cover for the two cups, you hum a melody to yourself.

"Owe thanks, hon is that coffee for me?"

It was him, Gavin.

Ever since you had graduated, top of your classes with full marks in every subject. Then joined the DPD, got parented with Hank, Gavin had always been there to hit on you. 

Normally you would ignore him, going about your day. but you hadn't got much sleep and you didn't feel like dealing with him much longer.

 "Har,har very funny Gavin. Get back to work, you can make your own coffee" you say, swiftly grabbing the coffee and starting to make your way to the door. 

You heard Gavin grumble too himself as you left the break room, you grinned widely knowing you had made him slightly upset. 

You strut your way towards your desk, which was placed in front of Hank's. You smile seeing Hank was actually on time today, that means he didn't drink much.

 "Hey Hank, got you some coffee" you chirped, setting the coffee next to him. He looks up at you, giving you a small 'hey'. 

" wow surprisingly you're at work on time today, that only happens when someone supervises you" you tease.

 He rolls his eyes in a overly dramatic fashion. "Yeah, what ever" Hank grumbles through his sips of coffee.

Hank was the only one that knew your backstory and the reason why you wanted so badly to join the DPD . 

But you liked it that way, so whenever someone would ask you 'what made you join the DPD?' You would just make up some random story.

Again you smiled to yourself, turning around to go to your desk. Only to bump into someone. "Oh, so sorry my fault" you say, fumbling with your cup of coffee.

"No need for an apology detective (Y/N), I don't think I've introduced myself yet. Hello my name is Connor, I was sent by cyberLife to help assist you and lieutenant with the rising Deviant cases".

You dropped your coffee, the contents spilling out onto the floor. 

He was an Android

Horrible memories of sky filled your head, memories that you hoped you had forgotten. Then memories of your parents, the blood, the gun your brother. 

You ran past the Android, covering your mouth. You swing open the door as your mouth began to fill up with the contents of your stomach. Running into the nearest open stall, you lean over the toilet. Emptying everything you had ate in the last 24 hours.

After a couple seconds the only thing that came out of your mouth were dry heaves. 

'Dammit' you cursed inside of your head 'I did it again'. You shook your head as you get up to flush the toilet bowl. 'Look at me now, why can't i just curl up into a ball and hide from society'

(( lol why is that me everyday? (*≧∀≦*)  ))

Creeping down the hallway you heard the mixed conversations coming from the main room. 

When ever you felt this way you would hide in the old, abandoned storage closet.

The light had stopped working and there was a hole in the roof. Even though the room was a total mess, it was still your safe haven. It was the place you went to go and take some time to yourself. 

You slouched over into the damp corner, closing the door behind you. You pulled your knees to your chest, wrapping your shaking arms around your legs. 

You felt somewhat peaceful in that moment, and you had stopped crying. 

Well that is until your heard footsteps approaching the door. 

The sound of feet hitting the floor echoing through the silent hallway made your blood turn cold.  

(( okay wow that took longer than expected ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡ meh probably just cuz I'm lazy!

Anyways srry for the short chapter just didn't feel like writing much cus IM SICK oh boy do I feel TERRIBLE UUUGGGBHB

 word count is 676)) 

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