Chapter 14

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3 person POV

"Come on Danny!" The girl chirps running up a long flight of stairs. Her soft hand grasped the exhausted males wrist as he quickly followed her to the roof of building. 

 He chuckled as the girl struggled to pull him up the stairs, growing impatient and anxious.

 " I'm coming I'm coming" he said calmly, reaching the top of the flight.

 ' roof top' read the sign on the large heavy metal door, the small girl pushed it open with all her might. 

Air rushed through her hair, light lit up the twos faces, a clear blue sky now visible. The girl rushed over to the edge, eyes wide and full of excitement and curiosity. 

" isn't it beautiful?" The girl said happily, looking up to the other tall towers and buildings, not noticing her foot slip. The golden colored male quickly went to grab the girl, who was scared and shaking. He pulled the girl close, gently stroking her hair and with time the girl calmed herself allowing herself to hear his muffled calming words.

" Don't worry " he started

" I'll always be here for you, (y/n) " 

(Y/N)' POV

But that was months ago, and now I'm standing, watching as a gun is pointed at Danny's head. I had listened to the whole conversation, Danny's getting suspicious of me, cute.

See I knew he was amusing

Though, he is somewhat creepy, well have to fix that in time. 

I need to get Connor out of my house, before he provokes Danny even more and learns more things that might turn him suspicious of me.

" Connor?"

I stayed in my emotionless trance, thinking of ways I could use to end them if one of them snapped. I tried to make it look as if I just now noticed there was a gun there, right, I have fear of a hunk of plastic.

But not of guns.

Oddly my gun, the gun that was under my bed. 

I pretended to look shocked and scared, just more brownie points in Connor's weirdly overly meticulous eyes. He needs to get out of the house, like right now.

" out " I spat "but (y/n) I-" I cut Connor off before he finished the sentence, he did try to kill Danny.

I heard the whole thing from the hallway. " get out of my house right now"

Anger traced my lips as I said those words, he did try to kill Danny, I didn't see him but I heard it. He had my gun and attacked Danny. 

He paused, looking around, LED bright yellow,confused and at loss for words. I had kept my cool until now, my once emotionless eyes now with a small gleam of anger.

" I said...GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" 

His eyes traveled to the floor as he dropped the gun, making his way to the door in defeat.

Good, he's cooperative.

My eyes flicked rapidly around room, just barely in focus of Connor.

I could at least contain myself until he leaves. 

I didn't even bother staying in the room, I rushed over into my own room, closing and locking the door behind me.  

It's not that I was afraid of Danny now it's that, I now viewed him in a different way. 

A small chuckle slipped from my mouth, I quickly smacked my hand over my mouth.

Was that me?

My eyes flicked over to my gift hidden in the closet, right, I need to get rid of it. I had given this one a petit pink ribbon, neatly wrapped around the opening of the heavy duty black plastic bag. 

Irrational Fear ( Connor X reader story~Detroit: Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now