Chapter 16

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You curled up your legs to your chest, phone placed in your hand as you rested on the toilet seat. Like always, no one else was using the restroom, and like always you spent your lunch break in here.

 You took a quick glance at your phone, 11:34, still a few more hours till you could go home.

Knowing Hank he was probably in Fowler's office by now, today would be a busy day for Fowler huh?

You let out a long sigh, but it was soon interrupted by the sound of someone abruptly entering the restrooms. Startled, you jump back from shock, accidentally falling into the toilet seat.

 Water splashed everywhere and you mentally cringed, good thing your phone wasn't in your pocket. Whoever was out there stopped at your stall, you struggled to get up, though not budging. 

"U-uh h-hello? Are you o-okay in t-there?" Piped a tiny, mouse like voice 

"I-is I-it Okay If i c-c-come In?" The voice said as the door slowly slipped open.

 You gave up on trying to escape the grasp of the toilet seat in defeat. 

There appeared a small girl with short, straight purple hair, and lavender eyes to match. She wore a pair of red glasses, along with a jacket, tie and navy blue dress and navy blue sneakers to match. 

She was a small petite girl, if not a second glance you could mistake her for a child. 

(( so I just randomly decided to whip up a new character cuz I thought "hey u never see a new female co-worker in a DBH Connor fanfic before the revolution rather than yourself so why not make one " I don't own the art credit to the original artis...

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(( so I just randomly decided to whip up a new character cuz I thought "hey u never see a new female co-worker in a DBH Connor fanfic before the revolution rather than yourself so why not make one " I don't own the art credit to the original artist and she basically your average shy, nerdy timid loli but with a stutter))

"O-oh umm h-hello my names M-Maddison, I'm G-Gavin's t-temporary, partner u-uh not to be r-rude but do you n-need some help t-t-there" she squeaked holding out a shaking hand for you to grab.

 "Uh please?" You chuckled trying to make the situation less awkward.

You firmly grasped her hand, pulling with all your might, and as expected she wasn't very strong. You both managed to squeeze yourself out of the seat, your clothes now dripping and wet.

"Thank you" you said 

"n-no p-p-problem" she said, looking down to the floor as she adjusting her glasses. 

Subconsciously, a slightly confused face crept onto your face, did she have a stutter? She looked up at you her face now shocked.

"oh!" She started "y-y-you're wondering if I'm d-doing this o-on purpose, I h-have a s-stutter" 

You cheeks dust a light pink out of embarrassment and your own foolishness. 

"Oh! Was I that obvious, I'm sorry" you frantically say. 

"No it's f-fine, I g-g-get that a-a lot" she also says frantically, waving her hands up in a defensive motion.

 A awkward silence filled the room as the two of you thought of things to say at the moment.

 "Eh well, I don't thing we properly introduced ourselves yet" you pipe up,swinging into a more chipper mood. "Hi! Here my names Detective (y/n) (L/n), but you can call me (y/n)" you say, holding out hand for Maddison to shake. 

"O-oh, n-nice to m-meet you" she says a she timidly shakes your hand. 

"Just one more thing" you start "promise you won't tell anyone about this whole..thing" you say as you look around the now soaked restroom stall. 

"Well I should probably get going, to eh get someone to clean this mess up, in the mean time what's your phone number? I need some way to pay you back"  you suggested, unlocking your phone to add her contact. 

"U-uh that w-won't be n-necessary, I d-don't want to b-bother you"  

You furrowed your brow, no was not an answer you were going to take. 

"Maddison, I am not taking no for an answer I have to you pay you back, plus, that's what friends are for" you say as you hand her your phone. 

"F-friends?" She questioned looking up to you

"Oh, yeah I quess you could call us friends, right? But I don't wanna assume anything"  you say bluntly 

A small tear formed in her eyes as she shook her head and eagerly began to type in her number. 

"T-thank you, (y/n), t-t-hank you very m-much for making m-me your friend" 

((Birthday count down 

Eight days WOOP WOOP 

stay Gucci fam 

I'm not including the word count cuz I'm lazy 



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