Chapter 6

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"Oi!, (Y/N) get down here there's food calling your name!"

You instantly recognized that voice, Danny.

 He had been your best friend forever, you meet him during training. He had been like the brother you had lost so long ago.

He was always just a ball of sunshine, so you had given the nick name sunny D.

 You hop from the warmth of your bed, padding your way downstairs. You stopped in the middle of the stairs, slowly holding your hand up. A blue stain placed in various places of your hand, you sigh wiping it on your pants leg. 

" coming Sunny D!" You call rounding the corner and entering the kitchen.

 The fresh smell of bacon filled your nose, as you saw a plate filled with delicious food on the island in the center of the kitchen. Danny was over fixing up the last of the fluffy pancakes. 

"Already made your plate sweets"

He had gave you the name 'sweets' a long time ago, you never really gave it much thought. 

"Thanks Sunny D I'll take care of the dishes" you say happily plopping into the chair.

Minutes passed of you shoveling pancakes and bacon into your mouth. Danny had laughed at you most of the time, earning a blush from you every time.

 Danny had made his way to the living room to watch TV and you had just finished cleaning up. You sat next to him in the empty spot of the sofa. 

He was watching one of those cheesy soap operas. Danny wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close. You could feel the warmth from his body mix with yours.

You two could stay in this moment forever, yet duty called as your phone buzzed. Catching your attention, you get up, shivering from the new colder air. Your phone was still in the kitchen, the ringing became louder as you got closer.

You looked at the caller ID, it was a number you had never seen before.

"Hello?" You say

"Detective? I hope I'm not interrupting but we have been assigned a new case if you don't mind meet me and lieutenant at the location I just sent you"

You recognized that voice.


you quickly slap your hand over your mouth, mentality face palming. You peek around the corner to check on Danny, he was starting at you with a 'WTF?!' Type face.

"Yes is anything wrong detective?"

You rush back up into your room, closing the boot behind you

" how did you get my number?!" You yell into the phone

"For the purpose of the investigation Fowler gave it to me after we questioned the recently captured deviant, if I remember correctly you were off on other important matters instead of help interrogate the deviant"

Your eyes flicker to your hand, a tiny blue stain barely visible

 "I'm on my way now, Connor "

You sigh placing your phone back into your pocket, turning around to open your bedroom door. It revealed Danny's large figure looming over you.

"Who's Connor?"

He crouched down to meet you at eye level, his gaze locked in your bright (e/c) eyes.

"A-an Android, h-he's my partner"

His eyes narrow, face getting closer to yours.

"Okay fine then"

He says getting up and moving out of your way so you could leave.


You pulled up to an abandoned house, you spot Connor and hank as you get out from the car.

"Hello detective (Y/N)" Connor greeted sweaty

"Hey" you respond

"So this is the place? Weird abandoned house in the middle of now great way to start my day" Hank complained

"Hank it's like 9:30 how are you just now waking up?" You question, your eyes scanned the house. He only grumbled in response, typical.

"Okay I think I found a way in" you say spotting the hole in the fence. Crouching down to inspect the hole you realize there was blue blood still on your arm. 

"Excuse me detective, I happened to notice multiple thirium stains along your arm, is there something you would like to tell me?" 

You look back to see Connor, his soft gaze meet yours 


You curse in your head 

'Forgot he could see blue blood after it dissolves'

"No" you say, crawling your way through the fence.

The house looked even worse up close, most of the windows we're boarded up. The grass looked mostly dead, how could anyone live here?

Hank and Connor soon joined you, wiping the mud from there clothed as they got up. Connor led the way this time, you and hank followed close behind. 

Rounding a corner you came face to face with.

An Android 

He had multiple deep cuts on the right side of his face, along with a knife clenched in his hand. 

"R-Ralph doesn't like visitors, Humans hurt r-Ralph" it said

Your eyes flicked over to the movement in the corner of the old room. 

There you saw it 

The deviant and the child 

"Connor, corner" 

With those word the deviant and child tased from out the house. 

You sprinted after them, following there every move. In this moment you weren't afraid, you just wanted to catch your prey. 

You could hear the heavy footsteps of hank and Connor behind you. 

They turned a corner into an ally way, you smile. There was no way they could escape now, the only way out of the ally was crossing a fence. 

That led to the freeway  

(( AHH ACTION if you got the reference at the beginning of the story in is love you 

Word count is 925 ))

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