Chapter 12

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" come on " you sniff, grabbing your things as you start down into the woods.

 The Amber leaves crunched under your feet as you head down to your car.

 it was still pretty early in the afternoon, 9:45 probably.

 Still time to adventure.

" so Connor, you ready to have some fun?" 

You hop into the car, connor in the other seat. Turning on the car a,song plays through the car as you pull off. 

 ( okay now don't hate me this is a good song okay?) 

Lost In Japan by Shawn Mendes 

(u choose if you want the remix or not )

" hey! I love this song!" You gasp, reaching out to turn the volume up. You sway to the music, singing along. 

The car emerged from the woods, turning Out from the thick greenery,light flooding your senses. Towers and tall buildings glimmered in the sunlight as you crossed a bridge, light shining on the large river like A star. 

" Come In Connor! Sing with me" you laugh, nudging Connor with your elbow.

" I don't know (y/n)" he says turning to you, his eyes resembled the pretty sight outside your window right now.

"Oh come on it's a wonderful day and you have a wonderful voice I bet you can sing!" Your eyes sparkled in the sunlight, a wide giddy smile on your face, laughing happily.

 "I could feel the tension~"

 you start, putting on your best singing voice, nudging Connor. He finally gave in, completing the line of lyrics you had started.

 " I could cut it with a knife"

 you were surprised his singing voice was surprisingly good, but not better then your.

" I now it's more than just a normal friendship, I can hear you thinking 'bout it, yeah~"

 you were perfectly in sink with the song, swaying and singing with Connor, as you zoomed through the beautiful sensory. Light tickled your face, cheeks rosy and a smile plastered on your face. 

Today was going to be a good day. 

"Do I gotta convince you that you shouldn't fall asleep?"

Connor sang, turning to you 

" it'll only be a couple hours and I'm about to leave" 

you sang completing the verse

 " Do you got plans tonight?" He sang 

" I'm a couple hundred miles from Japan" you sang dramatically

 " and I was thinking I could fly to your hotel tonight" you both sang, voices perfectly in sink

 " cause' I can't seem to get you off my mind " Connor sang, also starting to sway to the beat of the music

( It would recommend to listen to the song as you read and due to phone glitch I cannot provide you with the link SOORRRYYY) 

he repeated the last two lines again, like the song did. You began to take the lead in the next verse, which was similar to the last one you had just sung.

" let's get lost tonight" you started, repeating the line again 

" baby, you and. I can't seem to get you off my mind"Connor sang now fully dancing to the music with you.

Irrational Fear ( Connor X reader story~Detroit: Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now