Chapter 9

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Your (e/c) eyes slowly fluttered open, fuzzy white light filled your eyes. You felt as if someone had taken your head and thrown it into a microwave.

 Is this what hank feels like sometimes? 

You tried remembering what happened but you couldn't remember anything. Your eyes had finally adjusted to the lighting, and you could make out the figure of Danny.

" D-Danny?"

You croak, voice soar and raspy. His large figure loomed over you, his golden eyes and blonde hair fuzzy.

" oh good you're wake! Thought you would be out forever"

You could barely make out a smile on his face, his signature wonderful smile.

"what time is it" you question trying to get up but was thrown back from the pain.

" well actually it's time for me to leave for work, but I don't want to leave my angel alone"

You thought of the possible people who could take care of you at this moment. 


No, he's probably drunk, it's Saturday.

Then it hit you, Connor!

" I bet Connor isn't doing anything, unless there's a case assigned to us he could take care of me" you suggest, and now that you thought about it more what did Connor do with his free time. Where did he go? 

Danny gave you one of those overprotective mom looks.

" Danny I'll be fine don't worry about me you need to go to work"

His brow furrowed even more

" are you absolutely certain? He questioned grabbing your phone and handing it to you.

" yes now go "

You push Danny off your bed telling him to get ready. 

You called Connor and immediately he replied saying that he was 'currently able to take care of you'. As you hung up the phone another question popped inside your head,

' is Connor dangerous?'

You couldn't shake the question from out your head, no matter what you did. You wanted to know so badly just in case..

You needed to hurt Connor in any way.

" leaving for the door sweets!"

You pop your head up upon hearing Danny's voice. You wanted to yell but you know it would hurt your head if you did. 

You you drifted of to sleep again, waiting for Connor.

Danny's POV

She started to use her soft hands to push me off the bed.

 I had did some research on Connor last night, since I didn't need to sleep and all.

 So it turns out that my hunch was right, he's a deviant hunter. He could kill me in an instant, I didn't want (y/n) to get hurt. 

I know my perfect angel would never hurt anyone, not even an Android. 

Technically I don't need to eat, yet I still grabbed a granola bar from the pantry. Waddled over to the door and called out to the light of my life one last time.

" leaving for the door sweets!"

I expected no response, her throat did hurt her. I smiled to myself as I left the house, though my smile soon changed. 

Irrational Fear ( Connor X reader story~Detroit: Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now