Chapter 4

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Light flooded your senses, slightly blinding you. Hank's large figure leading you back into the main room. 

Your (e/c) orbs scanned the room, good, there was no sign of Connor.

"If you're wondering were it went, it's in the car" Hank exclaimed, tilting his head backwards over his shoulder to look at you.

"Wait you mean I have to drive with c-c-"

"Yes, sorry there was no other option. But don't worry I'm driving the tin can's gonna sit in the back"

You wanted to rush into captain Fowler's office right now and yell at the top of your lungs, but then you would be out of a job. 

"Thanks" whimper as Hank open the passenger door to his almost run down car. You could hear shuffling behind you, probably Connor.

 You watched as Hank walked around the car, opening the drivers seat door. He grunted as he plopped down into the seat, inserting ((( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)))the keys and turning the car on.

"Lieutenant isn't it bad for you to be driving at this time, it would be most beneficial if we were to call a taxi" Connor scolded from the back seat

You flinched as you heard his voice.

"Hey didn't I tell you to shut up?!" Hank protested

"Sorry lieutenant, but may I suggest that detective (Y/N) drive" 

Connor popped his head in the space between the seats, looking at you with his chocolate colored eyes. You swear you could get lost in them forever, you locked your gaze onto his.

"Detective?" Connor questioned, Breaking you out from your trance.

Hank took his hand to push Connor back into his seat. "Get back asshole" Hank grumbled as he brought his hand back to the wheel.

"I'm going to drive and thats that, no more questions" 

The gravel made a popping noise under the car tires. The car came to a slow stop as it approached the house were the homicide was reported.

"Okay look you stay in the car" Hank commanded as he looked back to Connor.

 "but lieute-"

"Oh (Y/N)" Hank said cutting of Connor. You take your gaze off of the window and turn your head to look at Hank.

"Make sure tin can here doesn't get loose, okay?" He said opening the car door, cold air now filling the once warm car.

"Yea sure" you say to Hank. 

Your gaze followed hank as he crossed the caution tape, walking over to some officers at the front door. You waited till he turn his full attention towards the officers to finally get out of the car. 

Slowly, you open the door. climbing out you heard Connor's voice

"Detective we shouldn't be leaving the car, lieutenant instructed so"

You roll your eyes as you watch him get out of the car as well.

You had slightly gotten used to him, well enough to be in his presence. You still couldn't muster up the courage to actually talk to him, no not now. 

As you walk up to hank, someone calls out to Connor.

"He's with me" you call out to the officer catching both of there attention.

"And who might you be miss?" The officer questioned, crossing his arms

You pullout ((so many jokes))your badge, it was alway in your back pocket. Along with your I.D.

Irrational Fear ( Connor X reader story~Detroit: Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now