Chapter 1

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My first day at the new school is the same as always. Girls staring, and boys trying to become my friend to get closer to the girls. Teachers thinking I'm a god. Same ol' same ol'. Until third block. A blonde beauty sat across from me. She didn't look at me, didn't swoon, didn't do anything.

She sat down and looked straight ahead.Like I didn't even exist. She was tall with with pale skin, honey blonde wavy hair, and crystal blue eyes. She was beautiful. I smile at her. She doesn't acknowledge me. So I clear my throat. Nothing. I lean in close to her.

"I'm Luka, and you are?" Panic forms in her eyes and she looks like she is about to jump out of her seat. But she never looks at me. The boy behind me throws a note on my desk. I open it and it read it.

"I'm Justin, that's Para. She doesn't talk. She's afraid of people. If you keep trying she will just run away. It's better if you leave her alone."

Doesn't talk? I quickly write back.

"Why doesn't she talk?" I write back.

"Nobody knows. She use to talk a lot. But not anymore."

"How long ago was that?"

"10 years ago." Shock flows through me.

Ten years of not speaking to anyone? What has happened to her?

"She use to full spunk and wouldn't let anyone Mess with her." I stare at her again. I can see her being spunky. Why won't she look at anybody?

"Why doesn't she look at anybody?" I write back.

"You didn't notice? Dude, she's blind!" He writes back. I gasped and the whole room (except Para) turned to me.

"Why the gasp, Mr. Harris?" The teacher asks, looking bored. Dang it!

"I am just surprised at the wonderful teaching ways at this school! I could actually learn something!" I say smoothly. The teacher's face remains the same.

"Well then, keep quiet so you can learn!" He replies sharply. A couple of guys in the front snicker. I only smile.

"Sir, yes, sir!" I reply with a salute. They chuckle even more. A girl with raven black hair and green eyes meets my eyes and smiles. She sits right in front of me.

"That was clever." She mouths.

"Thanks, I try to keep things easy going" I reply with a smile, she giggles.

"I'm Lillyana, but you can call me Lilly." She says.

"Luka, just Luka." I look over at Para again. Lilly looks over at her too. she takes out a sheet of paper and writes something on it fast. She quickly hands it to me.

"Are you a werewolf?" It read. I look up at Lilly and nod. She smiles and points to herself. Then she taps her nose and wiggles it.

"How are you a werewolf? I can't catch your scent!" I write and hand it to her.

"Cheap perfume." It reads. I look at her smile.

"Why do you hide it?" I ask gently, She looks away.

"I don't like being a werewolf. I'm to good at it." Lilly whispers. Confused I turn away. I write back to Justin who was waiting patiently.

"How long has she been blind?" I write back to Justin as Lilly goes back to listening to the teacher.

"Three years." he writes back. I turn back in my seat to look at him. He was short with brown thick hair and hazel eyes. He had a good bone structured face. All in all he was handsome. His eyes are sad and lonely . As if talking about Para saddened him. I know the feeling... Oh! I wrote fast.

" You were her friend weren't you?"

"Yes, my best friend." He answers. I didn't write anything after that. I didn't know what to say. Soon the bell rang and Para grabs her bag and leaves the room.

"How does she get around?" I ask Justin. He shrugs.

"Nobody knows. Not even me." Justin, Lilly and I all head to fourth period together. Lilly is in both of my classes. I was glad about that, I like Lilly. Most of the girls swoon and stare or try to get me to go away with them. This is a nice change. To have a girl who is just a friend.

Lilly was calm, cool, and collected. I liked that. Justin rambled on about the randomest things. I didn't mind. He was comfortable to be around. Someone to lean on. I could tell all three of us are going to be good friends.

Lilly and I walk into fourth period and as usual the girls swooned at the sight of me. I roll my eyes. Lilly glared at them all and said:

"What? Haven't you seen a hot guy before? Please keep your eyes to yourself. You're grossing me out with the looks of lust on your faces! Control your hormones before I hurl!" I laugh, yep Lilly is really going to be a good friend.

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