Chapter 14- Chase

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She was beautiful. When they carried her in here I wanted them to bring her over to me, so i could hold her and whisper words love to her. Rena was still knocked out, so when they left I whispered things to her.She had pale skin, and wavy long blonde hair. I have't even seen her eyes yet, but i bet they are just as beautiful. When she wakes up and her eyes open I about sing to the heavens, She had crystal blue eyes. I thought she was gorgeous, and I wanted her to look at me and say "mine".When she told me she was blind I almost screamed. My beautiful mate will never get to see me...When she said some guy named Justin, I wanted to rip his throat out. I try not be a violent person but this girl is testing my limits. What the hell is wrong with me? I am acting like she is my mate! That's impossible.When Dale came in with two other people, talking like we weren't there even i had to hold my tongue. How dare he? He told humans out secret. When Dale started hurting Para I wanted to rip off every persons arm off, but i remained calm. He left and she was crying quietly. How i wish I could get her to see me. How I wish I could hold her. How I wish I could carry her far away from here...


Sleep was pointless, Rena was lucky to be sleeping on the ground, but at least we got moved. I fought the whole way to the new cage to get to Para. We got moved into the same cage. Rena, Para, and I. I looked around the room and saw some familiar wolves, but no Cassie. Astrid was sleeping in wolf form. I was so happy to see her.

"Astrid!" I called, her eyes pop open and land on me. She smiles and paces the cage, her eyes never leaving mine.

"Chase! Get me out of here!"

"I can't!" Rena was putting her hands through the bars, reaching out wanting to hold Astrid.


"Little Rena!" I change and Rena does too, getting better at it. I smile in my wolf form. I miss this form. I look over at Para who is sitting quietly in the corner. I go over to her mad lay down right beside her. I talk to her through our wolf speak.

"Are you okay, Para?" She shakes her head. "What's wrong?"

"I'm scared that he is going to rape me again... Going to me to be his little circus clown. I don't wanna be that. I want to fight but he will hurt Daniel." I growl.

"Who's Daniel?"

"My brother." Sadness replace jealousy.

"I'm so sorry, Para."

"Why? It's not your fault."

"I feel something for you, I want you... Mate." My wolf is telling me she is the one. My mate. Her eyes widen as her eyes begins to glow. I change back without even realizing it. She reaches out with her hand and I gently press my lips to her. She moans and I help he stand and press my body to her. My wolf is howling in success. I felt our souls and minds connect.

We are mates. Soulmates.

She pulls apart but only a little.

"Chase... My wolf is telling me your my mate, but I have a boyfriend who I love... I can't kiss you. It's wrong. Can you wait till I break up with him?"

"Only of I can kiss you one more time." She smiles and kisses me. I wrap her legs around my waist. I groan as she uses her tongue asking for entrance. I don't put up a fight.

The kiss ended much to soon, but she never went to far from me. Rena was staying as far away from us as possible to give us space. She knows how mates are. Astrid was smiling like a idiot. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"I'm Astrid. I'm apart of Chases pack." Astrid calls.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Para." Astrid smiles.

"Nice to meet you too." I put my arm around Paras waist. Rena comes over and gives her a hug. Para smiles and hugs her back. The door opens and Dale and three people in white lab coats come in. I push Rena and Para behind me and growl. Dale laughs.

"We are here for Para. Give her to us, or else Rena and Daniel get it. Para pushes past me and the guards open the gate and grab her. I bare my teeth, fear was glistening in her eyes. I reach my hand out, my own eyes filling with tears.

They took my mate.... And I have no way to know what they are going to do to her...

Hello readers! Author here! So I totally want to have some name ideas for another female werewolf coming up! Please help!!! U can message me names or comment them! Have fun and think pretty! She is going to super sweet with a dark side! Go!

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