Chapter 22- Para

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School was amazing. By tommorw everyone will know that I have finally spoken. When I get home, I tell mom I am going for a run. I look at my Camara and sigh. I tried it out but the Camara doesn't work well anymore. I head out he back door and change mid-run. I fly through the air and enjoy the feeling of being in my wolf form and seeing everything.

Suddenly a scent hits my nose. I growl and change directions. The scent begins to move. I bust through the bushes and see two wolves running away from me. I snarl, and push myself to go faster.

"Chase, I have werewolves in our territory on the run. Call the pack." I say through the bond. I hear a familiar howl ring out. The smaller wolf trembles and whines but keeps running. The bigger wolf snaps at the small she-wolf and turns I collide with him, jaws snapping.

He flanks and turns and runs, but I am on is tail. Chase is suddenly beside me, and Cassie on my other side. The rest form behind me. The two wolves suddenly stop at the dead end and turn to us growling.

"Leave us alone!" The big one growls.

"Why are you on our territory?" I ask stepping up. The small one steps up.

"We are just passing through." She says.

"Where are you headed?" Astrid asks.

"We don't know. We are trying to find a new pack. Our old one is dead." The big one answers. I look over at Chase and use our bond to speak.

"Bring them back to my house and let them get cleaned up and let's be civilized about this. I want them to tell me here story and if my gut says they can stay then we let them."

"Alright, Love." Chase answers.

"Come with us, wolves, what are your names?"

"I'm Rowan and my twin Rafe." The girl says. Her coat was a deep red and brown eyes, his coat was a lighter red and and lighter shade of brown.

"Follow us." My pack gets behind them to make sure they don't run. We head back to my place and let them take a shower and get dressed. Justin gets drinks and snacks while they are in the bathroom. Lilly and Luka each help then find something to where. My mother stays away.

When they come down we sit them at the table and serve them food. Rowan's hair is long and wavy, while Rafes is short and thin, but they are defiantly twins. They at first won't touch the food bit there stomachs get the better of them and wolf the food down. When they are done eating I begin. I shoo the rest of the pack out except for the higher ups.

"I'm Para, and this is my mate Chase. We are the Alphas of the Miracle Wolves Pack. This is my Beta Astrid and my third Cassie and her Mate Kevin. We will not harm you." I tell them, Rowan watches us, her dark brown eyes narrow with suspicion.

"We just want to know why you are looking for a new pack." Rafe glares at us.

"Why do you care? Ow!" He turns his glare to his sister.

"Rafe... I think we should trust them." Rowan smiles at us.

"Our pack was killed by three men with silver bullets. We ran after my mom was captured. We tried to save her but she was killed before we could rescue us. We ran and ran. We have tried to find another pack to take us in but so far... No one." Rowan says, her voice wavering. Rafe puts his arm around her and pulls her close.

"I say we let them join the pack. I oddly trust Rowan." I say through the mate bond.

"I trust your judgement. I trust Rowan too." I smile at him And turn back to Rowan and Rafe.

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