Chapter 24- Para

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Hey guys! So here he the last chapter! Duh dun da! Hope u enjoy!

The forest is so beautiful at night, the moon full is hanging overhead, calling for my voice. I was in my human form walking through the forest, my mind on Rowan and Luka, but also on Dale. He is still out there. Somewhere. I am worried about my pack. Will he try to harm us again? Will we be able to fight him? A bitter laugh fills the night. A laugh that is familiar. I turn and see Daniel, in human form, grinning evilly.

"Daniel?" I whisper, he laughs again.

"Oh yes. It is me. What are doing out here all alone Para? Shouldn't you be inside? Something could... Happen to you." His eyes are glowing silver.

"Daniel this isn't you."

"Oh yes it is my sweet little sister." Tears form.

"Danny don't do this." He snarls.

"Daniel is gone." Dale steps out and puts a hand on Daniels shoulder. I sob.

"No!" Wolves circle around me, there eyes all glowing silver.

"My last test was a complete success! I officially have a army." I pale.

"Oh my god." It all fits into place.

"I spent a lot time thinking in prison. I could use werewolves to my advantage. I could make a army! I could become the most powerful man alive! So I tested the wolves I caught! And who knew that Wolfsbane and silver could make the wolves listen so intensely to whoever have it to them? I built my army! But here is one thing in my way. You." I sob harder. "I knew that you would be the key! And you are but you always got away. I wasn't powerful enough to take you on but then I decided to make myself more powerful." He shudders and he is a huge wolf with peppered brown fur.

A scream gets stuck in my throat.

This isn't happening! This can't be happening.

Daniel changes into his own wolf form and the fifty other wolves circle me, growing tighter. I change too. I snarl and growl but fear is over taking me.

"Chase! Help!" The wolves lunge and I jump on there back, I rip a piece of fur off. The howl of pain is so inhumane that I whimper. Pain travels up my leg and I whine high and snap my teeth at the wolf. Daniel and Dale stay back and watch with evil smirks. Suddenly the whole pack is on me, I try to fight them off but it was no use.

"Let her go!" Chases voice rings out.

"Or what?"

"Or this will turn into a blood shed." Dale snarls, the wolves are holding me down.

"Fine then." Rowan is suddenly ripping through the wolves to get to me. She helps me up, her red fur gleaming.

"Thank you." She smiles in a wolf-ish way.

"What are friends for?" W attack side by side. Lilly and Rafe are working on a different group, and Luka and Naomi are working on another group. Daniel, Dale, and Chase are fighting. I turn to Rowan and say I am going to help Chase.

"I got it!" I run over and jump on Dale. I grip his neck and try to rip a piece off. Dale snarls and rips me off. My white fur is matted with blood. Daniel bites into my shoulder and pulls me away from Dale. I growl and try to bite his face. He howls as I make contact. He releases my shoulder I lunge for his exposed jugular. I pull him down.

"Move and I rip his throat out." I warn Dale. Dale has Chase by the spine. Dale growls as he watches as I warningly bite a little harder on his jugular. Daniel whines.

"Let Chase go or he gets it." Dale releases Chase. Chase walks over to me. My pack and Dales army stops fighting and watches.

I am so sorry Daniel. I am so so sorry. I Love you and wish this didn't happen to you. I love you so much.

I look in my brothers silver eyes and see a flash of old Daniel. I plead with my eyes for him to forgive me. I bite harder and end his life.

"I am not weak! I am not going to back down! I will kill you for what you have done to me!" Dale growls and lunges, the battle is on again.

I grip Dales paw and break the bones. I allow my wolf instincts to come out and lose myself. He jumps back with a whine and we collide again. I snap my jaws. Pain is everywhere. My heart hurts the most. I jump back but I trip, and Dale is immediately on top of me. My plan worked.

"I will enjoy killing you!" he growls. I smile.

"To bad you won't feel the joy." I jerk up and bite his heart. I grin hard and fast. He dies instantly. I push him off me with my front paws. All the wolves stop, and watch as I shakily get to my feet. The army of wolves back away and disappear into the shadows.

All that is left is my weak pack. Chase limps over to me. Rowan goes over to Luka and Lilly to Rafe. Naomi stands by her daughter. Astrid, Cassie, and Kevin huddle close.We all stand in silence, all insure of what just happened. I go over to the body of my brother. I don't cry. I don't beg for him to come back.

"Goodbye Daniel." I meet each one of my pack mates eyes.

"Thank you for coming to help me. We have fought well. I am so proud to call you my pack. You have stayed beside me through thick and thin. I am honored to have a loyal and amazing pack as I have. Thank you all." I bow and then tilt my head back and let out a victory howl. My pack joins me. I hear little Rena's howl join from the house.

Soon we head back and change. Mom cries softly at the news that her son is dead and her husband. Justin runs over and hugs Astrid.

"I was so worried about you!" Astrid kisses Justin.

"I'm okay." Astrid says quietly. Justin kisses her again.

"I could have lost you." Luka and Rowan are kissing as well and embracing. Lilly walks closer to her own mate.

"Are you okay, My Sweet Flower?" He asks her and she giggles.

"Fine, but I am sad about our old Alphas passing. But he is in a better place now." Rafe kisses Lilly on her forehead. Strong arms circle around me and I lean back into Chases chest.

"I am sorry about your brother."

"It's okay. As Lilly said. He is in a better place now." I turn around in his arms, his eyes holding deep sadness. He nuzzles my neck and breAthes in deep.

"I could have lost you today. I was so afraid I wouldn't get to you in time." He whimpers in my neck. He pulls me close, he is shaking. I hug him tightly.

"I knew you were going to rescue." I kiss him. He kisses me back with desperation I have never felt from him before.

"I love you, Para... You are my paradise."

"I love you too... You're my dream come true." We kiss again, when he breaks a part; he goes down on one knee and pulls out a ring.

"Paradise Summers, will you do me the honor of becoming mine in every way? Will you be my wife? My mate? And my lover?" I jump in his arms.

"Yes! A million times yes!" He laughs and twirls me around. He slips the ring on. I bury my face in his neck.

"I love you so much." He whispers. The pack claps and cheers. My my face heats up. He chuckles.

******** Astrid's point of view*******

Four months later....

I sit on the couch waiting for Justin to return from Paras for a pack meeting. I couldn't go because I was sick this morning. It has been two months since my wedding. Three mouths since Paras. The door opens to our small home that I love. Justin comes in and kisses me.

"Feeling better, baby?" I smile.

"Much. Thank you, sugar. Justin I have to tell you something..." He kisses me again.

"Anything, what is it, baby?" I lean in closer and whisper in his ear.

"You're going to be a dad." Justin's eyes widen as he looks down at my stomach. I smile as he leans down and lightly kisses it. Then he comes back up to me and kisses me. I smile on his lips.

Everything is going to be alright.

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