Chapter 13- Para

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A knock on the door startled me. I should have smelled him. I am way off my game. Lilly was helping me put on some make-up. She was suppose to be sleeping but she couldn't sleep. So she decided to dress me all up for dear ol' dad. I hate it. I don't want to be all pretty for him. He ruined my life. He hurt me, and raped me. Lilly said it was better to get him top think he hasn't affected me, I agreed to that. I heard my mom greet him from downstairs.

"Dale! You look amazing! Welcome home."

"You look like you haven't aged a day." His voice answer, causing shivers to go up my back. Lilly's arms pull me in for a hug. I hug her back tightly.

"Lets show 'em who rules this house." I smile and let her take me downstairs. Luka and Justin, so i believe is already down here, I smile to the room. I feel Justin move close to me.

"You look beautiful." I smile at him and reach for his face. He takes my hand and puts it to his face. I feel his familiar face, and smile wider. I love him so much. He links arm with me and moves me toward the couch.

"Paradise? Is that really you?" I swallow my fear and open my mouth to speak to my father.

"Yes." Suddenly, Luka snarls and Lilly jumps up from her place beside me and Justin. I feel Justin's arm go protectively in front of me.

"You will not touch her." Lukas deadly voice rings out. I try to tug Justin's arm down and for him to relax, but it was pointless.

"I don't wish to harm her, I just want to hug my daughter." He replies calmly. This time i speak up.

"I am not your daughter. You are not my father, you are a stranger in his skin who copies his voice. You are a outsider pretending to be who you are not. Please don't pretend with me. I don't like it." Everyone is silent expect for my mothers sniffles. I hate that i made her cry but i didn't care. I stood up for what i believe in.

"Para.." I growl myself. How dare he call ME that?

"You have no right to call me that. You can only call me Paradise. Do you understand?"

"Yes." His sad voice whispers.

"Lilly, take me to my room." I say, Mom cries out.

"Paradise! How could you! He is your father!" She cries. I snarl at her.

"NO! HE IS NOT MY FATHER! HE IS DEAD!" I screamed, I felt Lilly jump at the sharpness of my voice.I can hear her sobbing, but I just ask Lilly to continue.


I told Lilly to go back downstairs to join them, at first she flat out refused, but then she finally caved. She went back downstairs, when I suddenly thought about my brother. He must be in his room. I call rummy and cluck my tongue four times. I let him lead me to his room. I knock on the door. No answer. I grope for the knob and open the door.

"Daniel?" Are you in here?" I ask, my hands shaky. I head over to the bed but I don't feel him underneath. I head back to my room and cry. Where is he? I hear a knock on the door, must be Lilly. My nose is to clogged to smell who it is.

"Come in." I call quietly. The door creaks open. "What do you want Lilly?" I say trying to wipe my cheeks of tears.

"I'm not Lilly." A cruel voice purrs. Dale. I flounder to pin point him, but because of my hard crying my senses aren't working. I glare, hoping he will realize its for him. I hear him chuckle.

"So it's true... You are blind! Wonderful! This will make things easier. Are you still a werewolf? Are you still a monster that has to be stopped?" I tired to keep the fear off my face. "I think you are." I felt hands grab me, I tried to fight back, and I almost screamed, until I felt a silver shoot up into my blood stream. I never got the chance. I blacked out.


Voices. I hear voices.

"Think she's okay?" A beautiful masculine voice asks, worry laced in.

"Don't worry, Chase, she will be fine." A small voice replies. I hear him sigh.

"I wish she would wake up." He mumbles. She giggles.

"Do you like her or something?"

"I don't know." I moan, my head is killing me.

"I think she is waking up." The girl voice whispers. I feel my eyes open, I attempt to see where I am. Oh. Yeah. I'm blind.

"Where am I? Where's Justin?" I hear a growl.

"Who is this Justin?"

"My boyfriend."I try in vain to remember what happened. Oh god... I have been kidnapped. Again. Painc floods thourgh me along with fear... so much fear... My wolf begins to push to come. I willignly let her come foreward. I fight to get out of the restrains, I feel pain flow thourgh my wrist at my fight.

"Stop fighting! There is no way!" Only words. My wolf doesnt understand words. She understands freedom, but his voice calmed her. Soothed her. She settled but she didnt leave. Thats okay. SHe stops the pain. I sniff the air to catch his sceant. He smelled good. I wanted to smell more. I fight again, i wanted to see his face. I want to see him.

"Why does she keep fighting like that?"

"I think she has been here before." He whispers, my wolf continued to fight. I WANT OUT! exasution finally makes me stop fighting. My wolf retreats, tears all upon my face as i relizae i wont make it out of here. I wont see my Justin again.

"Are you okay?" The same voice asks. i sobbed harder.

"What is going on? Who are you? Where are you? How many of you are in here?" my voice raw and shaky.

"Im right in front of you... and there is just the three of us." His voice was like 'duh'. I roll my eyes.

"You forgot two questions." I reply sarcasticly.

"Im Chase. And i have no idea." The sound of his name gave me goosebumps. The good kind.

"Im Rena." the other voice calls.

"Im Paradise, but call me Para. Im blind thats why I asked what seemed to be stupid." I keep my face blank.

"I'm so sorry! So you never seen blue!"

"I have. A long time ago." I answer. I hear a door open and three new scents enter the room. Chase growls and I whimper.

"Welcome Para! This is our newest member!" Dale says. I snap my teeth and I hear little surprises.

"Is she feral?" A female voice asks.

"No. We have completely under control."

"Now you say all this people are werewolves? How come they are well.... Looking like this?" A man asks, I bare my teeth.

"You told humans! How dare you!" Rena's voice rings out. Chase snaps his teeth.

"I will prove it. Get the blind one down." I begin to fight as I feel they grab me and take me down. I feel press are on my back.

"Change." My father voice growls.


"Or I will kill Daniel." I take a sharp intake of breathe. "Oh yes, we found him."


"We took him and he's in the other room. Now change or he gets hurt." I change and I hear the gasps as the humans watch on. "The werewolf! Isn't she beautiful!" The crowd claps. I snap my teeth, I hear gasps.

"Don't worry. She won't hurt you, right?" I glare at wherever I was looking. "Change back and hang her back up." I change and I feel them hoist me up.

"Come along to the next room. We have figured a way to keep them in there human form." I hear as they leave the room. I hang my head. I was out in the open.

"Are you okay?" Chases sweet voice asks. I shake my head. I will never be okay again.

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