Chapter 12- Unknown P. O. V

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"Alpha, we are waiting to go." My beta, Cassie, says quietly. She was a beautiful wolf, even though she was sick. She had kidney failure but it has yet to slow her down. She is faithful and already has one pup. My little cousin. I was going to go meet up with her for her birthday. Rena was turning ten today, and her first change. The whole pack is gathering.

"Coming." I answer her, my voice sad. She comes over and nuzzles me. I smile at her, Cassie is like my little sister. I love her even though she is older than me. I was still only 18, but I didn't go to school. A werewolf going to school is crazy talk in this pack. apparently someone or somehow will discover us. Wonderful thoughts!

"What's wrong, Chase?" Cassie asks. I sigh, but it came out more of a grunt in my wolf form.

"Somethings wrong. Something is coming. Something that will change everything. And.... I am afraid of what will happen today." She looks a little frightened, but smiles anyway.

"Don't worry Alpha, we will be okay. Come on, we are going to be late, and Rena won't like that." She teases. I grin and quickly head to the party. Cassie laughs in her weird wolfy-way. We run towards her den where our small but fun pack is hanging out. They all greet me with bared necks and smiles all around. I smile back and k around for Rena. I see her, in human form, and she grins. She runs over to me and hugs me.

"Chase! I am about to Phase for the first time! I can feel my wolf!" She chirps, holding her chest. I nuzzle her and she giggles. She gasps as fur begins to crawl all over her, and then she was a small little wolf pup. She was smiling and jumping around on her new paws. I laugh along with everyone else as she trips over her back paw. Cassie walks over and helps her up, with a hug grin on her face This is my family. The pack made up of 7 wolves in all. All who only live in there wolf form. Rena is the youngest member. The youngest and the sweetest. I am the Alpha, and then Cassie is my Beta, with her mate Kevin. They are the other higher ups. Then we have my third Astrid, then my fourth Reese. My fifth Ben and then but not least Rena. As I said small, but loyal. I will lay down my life for them all.

We all hang around, playing with Rena, and enjoying being around each other.

Until a howl swallows the room. Astrid swayed and fell to the ground, a little silver dart in her side. I smell silver.

"HUNTERS!" I scream and everybody forms runs. Rena tries to keep up but she still wasn't was use to her paws. I try to help her on my back but she tripped and a dart landed on her, She screamed and i tried to grab her before they could. I growled at a huge hunter and bite into his arm. He screams and shoots a bullet, paralyzing pain makes me collapse. i wacth as they host Rena in a bag and snarl and try to get to her. I hear Cassie screaming, my pack fighting. Everything is falling apart, but i won't lose Rena. I will NOT let her go. Not like this. A hunter smiles down at me.

"Nighty night." He hits my head with the butt of his gun. I black out.


I groan at the pain. My head felt like it was hit with a jack hammer and I felt as if my arms are being ripped out of my sockets. I open my eyes and realize I am in human form. For the first time in a long time. My arms are strapped and I was a few feet in the air. Memories come flooding back. Rena! I look around and I see her in a small cage' knocked out cold. Rage and fear flood thorough me. They hurt little Rena. A door opens and man with sandy blonde hair and cruel eyes comes in.

"Welcome to Hell. I am Dale, your personal devil. What is your name?" I only glare at him. I really want to call him every name in the book, but silence is my best weapon. His face remains plastered with a evil smile. "Silence huh?" He walks closer to Rena's cage. "I guess then I will just have some fun with her." I snarl.

"Touch her and I will rip your head off." I warn. He smiles even wider.

"Whats your name?" He asks again, staying close to Rena.

"Chase." I growl, my voice unused. I have only spoken in wolf form and that's using my mind.

"What is your connection with her?" He asks pointing at Rena. I growl under my breath.

"Pack. And my cousin." He picks up the cage and brings her slightly closer.

"You will have more company soon." He says before he leaves the room. I hang my head. I failed to protect my pack. And I failed to protect my little cousin.

Hello my readers!!! I got it done sooner than I thought. Thanks!!! Enjoy!!!!

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