Chapter 5- Luka

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I tried to make friends with Para but it did nothing. Not a word, only a quick nod of the head. I think she only did that to shut me up! After school I did the same as always. Tried to give her ride. She ran. Again.

Justin, Lilly, and I after school head to there favorite coffee shop. I told them I hated coffee but they just laughed.

"They don't only serve coffee. It's the hot chocolate that's killer!" Justin says with a smile. Lilly nods her head in agreement. I shrug and drive them to the coffee shop. It was a small little building made bricks and a wooden door. It was lit up like the Fourth of July with lights. The wooden step screamed as we walked up the stairs. The place wasn't very crowed when we got there but a man behind the counter smiles. The shop had a warm and cozy feeling to it. There is a fire place on the far side of the shop and couches and booths all around. Paintings are hanging all over the walls. The painting are mostly of the forest and couple have wolves in them.

"Lilly! How's my sweet girl?" The man behind the counter calls. He was a older gentleman with skin dark as the night, slightly wrinkled, but when he smiles the room lights up. She smiles.

"Great, Mr. Jerry! This is my new friend Luka!" She chirped. He turns to me and smiles.

"Nice to meet ya! Now what would y'all like? On the house!" We all order a Carmel hot chocolate. We grab a table and sit with our drinks. We laugh,talk, and hang out. A couple guys from school come in and join us.

"Okay so your from Washington, D.C.? That's amazing! What are you doing here?" New comer Damion asks.

"My parents thought it would be a nicer neighborhood." I answer. They all enhance to ask questions about Washington.

"What's the monument like?"

"Tall!" I answer, wryly. We hang out for hours there until I finally have to go home. When I finally get home mom is bustling around the kitchen and dad is in the computer room, finishing up work.

"I'm home!" I call. My little brother comes running in and tackles me to the ground.

"I got you!" He cheers, I laugh.

"Yes you did!" I reply. He laughs and hugs me.

"Honey, how was your day?" Mom asks me.

"Great! The pack is wonderful. I met a human and a wolf friend. We have been hanging out at a cool coffee shop."

"That's great, honey! When are you getting your ranking?" She asks.

"After the full moon" she smiles and kisses my cheek. I look over at the clock and say.

"It's nine o'clock. Bedtime Ethan." He frowns but then smiles.

"You have to tell me a wolf story!"

"Alright" I reply. He jumps in the air and runs to his room.

"Night mom! Night dad!" I call over my shoulder.

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