Chapter 8- Luka

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Today is the day I fight I fight for my rank: I set up it up with The Alpha. It's the day before the full moon. School, I thought, is going to be the usual torture, at least in third block. Trying to get Para to talk to me. I lean in and of course she tenses up.

"Hey... Luka again. I wanted to ask you something. I was wondering if I could drive you home today." She turned her head in my general direction. She moves her lips upward in what I assume was a smile. She was trying!

"W-why?" Her unused voice rasps.My eyes widen and my jaw drops. She spoke to me! I sit there in stunned silence for a minute.

"Because I want to get to know you." I finally stammer. She blushes. She is actually reacting to me. Justin is smiling at her.

"I am not very good company." She answers turning away, going back into her shell. I touch her arm, she jumps, fear written on her face. Justin winces.

"Easy..." I say softly.

"Yes. You can take me home" she answers quietly. The class was to focused on the teacher to realize that the girl who never speaks, has spoken. Lilly suddenly turned around and said:

"Don't forget tonight's the night you fight."

"I won't." I reply absently.

The rest of the day goes by fast. At the end of the day I quickly get in my car and drive to where I usually ask her if she would like a ride. Para is waiting, her blanks eyes staring straight ahead, but her hands run over the wooden fence beside her. I open the car door and call to her. She quietly comes over to me.

"Hey." I say with a smile. She smiles back with that weird, trying smile. It is a bashful smile that makes my stomach flip, but she doesn't reply. She keeps her face away from me... As if she doesn't want me to see her face. "You don't have to speak, I guess."

"Thank you." She whispers. I look over at her.

"Why did you start talking again in the first place?" I ask, Para scrunches her face up, as if she was considering answering, then just shrugs instead. "Nevermind." She tells me the directions and soon I am at her home. I help her up to her front porch and say goodbye. Before I leave she reaches her hand out.

"May I feel your face?" She whispers. I take her hand gently and put it to my face. Her hand explores my chin and cheeks and lips Her hand is like the softest feather, lightly caressing my face. My wolf is going insane. Much to soon she pulls her hand back and looks for the knob. I gently guide her hand to the knob. She smiles shyly and heads inside, leaving her scent. I take a deep breath. She smelled of cinnamon and deep vanilla.

My wolf was saying 'go after her, tell her she is yours. I will protect her'. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I slowly head back to my car and head home. I have only a few hours to hang with my little brother.


The moon is slowly rising, meaning its almost time. I say goodbye to my parents and head to the forest. The woods smelled of freedom and pine. The forest always fills me with peace. I change, my clothes hanging from a tree limb, and head to the battle area. Emotions swirling inside me. I was nervous, and excited. I was itching for a fight. My wolf has been restless lately. When I get there the whole pack is there. Alpha comes over.

"Are you ready to fight?" He asks me


"Derrick! You're up. Derrick is my omega. Fight well." We get in the circle and wait for the signal. I am feeling eager for this fight, I know i can take this wolf easy. A loud bark fills the night. Begin! I circle Derrick and lunge for his feet. I grab one and pull him down. I put my paw to his throat. One down, many to go.

I fight each and every one, except Lilly and Alpha. I turn to him.

"Who now?" I ask looking at Lilly. She only smiles sweetly.

"You fight the warrior princess. " I turn to look at Lilly and prepare to fight. I smirk, I knew it!

"Where is your tiara, Lilly? Don't you need one, Warrior Princess?" She laughs lightly.

"I'm not the Princess." Lilly says while moving out of the way. A small white wolf comes into view. She had ice blue eyes and white fur. She looked like Para.

"The Warrior Princess Paradise!" he shouts and the pack howls in respect.My mouth drops open when I realize that Para is a werewolf. This whole time and I didn't know it. I growl softly. Para's nose wiggles.

"Luka?" She whispers. Everyone gasps, including me. She have herself away.

"Yes Para. Why didn't you tell me you are a werewolf?" She only stares ahead. Okay then...

"Prepare to fight." Well this is going to be to easy. "Begin!"

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