Chapter 10- Justin

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"I love you, too." Her soft, beautiful voice says quietly. I sigh in relief. I have been afraid that she did not share the same feeling back...I brush some stray strands of hair out of her face, and kiss her forehead.

"Welcome back." I whisper in her ear. she smiles and I look into her blank eyes wishing she could see me, so she can see the love plain on my face. Daniel left the room after she said i love you back to me. I was thankful for that, that way i can kiss her and not have a audience. But the kiss will have to wait. Para needs my support. Her smile disappears and the look of pain returns.

"What is is, My Love?" I ask her, bringing her closer to me. Tears fall down her cheeks.

"He's coming back. He is coming back."

"Who?" I whisper, I have a bad feeling. This isn't going to be good.

"My father... I heard my mom say so... She is letting him come back... don't let him see me... don't let him hurt me.." she sobs, before she goes limp in my arms. I hold her close and carry her to the bed. Rage was swirling within me. The girl i love is in pain and there is nothing i can do about it... Well there is one thing... and i plan on doing it. I genetly lay her down, and stomp downstairs where i see Daniel and Mrs. Summers glaring at each other. I walk right up and punch Daniel in the face.

"KEEP HIM AWAY FROM HER,YOU SICKCO! HER BASTARD OF A FATHER BETTER NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT HER OR I WILL RIP HIS BRAIN OUT WITH MY BARE HANDS!"I scream at him as i continue punching his face. Mrs. Summers screams at me to stop, but i completely ignore her. Daniel growls and flips me on my back and lands on top of me, his eyes glowing. I glare at him.

"How can you do this to your sister? Shes your sister!" I spit in his face, only making him angrier.

"I don't want him here ether! I want him to die a thousands deaths for all he has done to Para and I. I want to make him a werewolf too and watch as they do what they did to her. I want him to die by my jaws!" He snarls. I stare into his eyes and see his own pain.

"I'm sorry, Daniel." He sighs in defeat and helps me up. Mrs. Summers is staring at both of us.

"What are you talking about?" She stutters, I look over at Daniel and see fear. I get the weird feeling she didn't know they are werewolves.

"Mother, I don't want him in this house ever. If i so much as see a piece of his clothing in this house, I will make him regret everything he has ever done. I'm tired of lying to you about what and who i am. About what that man did to Para and I. I am sick and tired of watching you mourn him as if he was dead when in realty he's in prison. What he did to her doesn't have a price. He deserves more than a life in prison. You don't deserve him, and I don't want to see you waste your life anymore over him. So I will offer this once, and once only. You don't let him come back or I leave. Make your choice." Shock spreads through me as i register what he just said.

She walks right up to him and says:

"Your wrong about him, Daniel. He has to be different. He has changed. I know that's hard to believe but I know it." Daniel shakes his head and backs away.

"No mom, that's only what you want to think. He will always hate us for being what we are. I sorry but I can not live here with him here." He turns to look at me. "Take care of her." He says, his voice tight. He shudders and he is a huge grey wolf. I watch as he meets his mothers frightened eyes and leaves. After a few minutes of tense silence she finally breaks it.

"What the heck is he?" She yells.

"What your husband hurt. Not exactly human... Not exactly man... A creature of strength and pride. A werewolf. That is what your daughter and son are. That is what has really been going on." I say and head upstairs to be with Para, my mind spinning.


Mrs. Summers left to go get some fresh air. I call Lilly and Luka to come over. Needing their support and to talk to them. Plus I need werewolves to help protect her.

"Hello?" Lilly's voice answers

"Lilly I need your help. Can you please come over to Paras house?"

"What's going on, Justin?" She asks, her voiced filled with worry.

"I'll explain when you get here. Just hurry." I hang up before I hear her reply. Para is still out, her face peaceful. I love that look on her face. I hear a knock in the door and quickly head down and open it. Lilly and Luka are standing there. I smile slightly and gesture to them to come in.

"What's going on?" Luka asks, his voice tight.

"I know you are werewolves and that Para is one too. I want to get that out in the open." Their mouths drop open. A series of emotion shows there faces but one sticks out all the rest. Anger.

"How did you know?" Luka growls.

"Para told me. She told me everything. Why she doesn't talk. Why she is blind. Everything."

"Oh my gosh!" Lilly gasps. Luka watches me.

"I won't tell anyone, but I need you to help protect her." Lilly nods.

"You can bet your butt I will."

"What about her brother. He's a Alpha. He can protect her." Luka offers. I look away.

"He left."

"Without her!" Luka snarls, his eyes glowing menacingly. Lilly growls, her canines growing longer.

"Yes. He left without her. I think he even left the pack. I don't know where he went before you even ask." Lilly bares her teeth.

"Traitor." She growled. I shake my head.

"I think he left to protect you. Werewolves I mean." They look at each other, agreeing to let it go for now.

"Alright, we will help protect her. I will lay down my life for Para." Lilly says, her head held high. Luka was staring at the ceiling.

"I will too, but we need a Alpha. When the pack finds out Daniel left... It won't be pretty. We can't lie to them, we will have to make someone our Alpha. I vote Para or Lilly." Is he crazy?

"Para is blind! Why would you make her Alpha?" Lilly smiles.

"She obviously didn't tell you everything. She is called the Warrior princess because she is the best fighter, tracker, and wolf. Her being blind is actually a good thing... Her instincts are more in front." Lilly explains, that makes sense.

"I vote Para, too." I say giving Lilly a apologetic glance. She shrugs.

"I do too. Luka run to the pack hang out and give them the news that Daniel has left and Para is the new Alpha. Make sure they agree." Luka nods and heads towards the door. I watch him go, wondering why he is so quite.

"Alright, now who wants to hurt her?"

"Her father."

Hello my readers!!!!

Please comment write and vote! Help me get better! Thank you so much for reading this book! Now I don't know when I will get a chance to update! Sorry!! I am trying but school is killer this year! Until then read a Fox and her wolf! Great book! Big fan! Please spread this book! Pleeaaasssseeeee!! Thanks! You the best!

Love bri607!!

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