Chapter 6- Luka

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It's Saturday and I have decided to hang out in the woods. Ethan's first change is this full moon and I will miss it. I have to ask Daniel if I could make it sooner so I can watch.

The forest is quite and calm, the trees swaying and the wind whistling. I change into my wolf form and shake out my fur. My senses heighten even more and I can see a rabbit about 40 feet a head of me. I stalk my prey and leap! The rabbit takes off and I chase after it.

I soon catch it, but don't harm it. I release it and continue walking through the forest. A twig snapped and I put myself on high alert. I growl low and watch all around me.

"Man, you sure are grouchy!" A Familer voice calls. I snort as Lilly comes out of the bushes, in human form wearing a small short blue dress.

"Really?" I growl at her. "Did you have to so that? You scared me to death!" She only laughs.

"Well obviously you don't know how to watch yourself! What kind of alert stance is that?" Lilly asks while pointing to my pose. I was on all fours, standing tall, my ears up and moving with my head glancing around.

"What's wrong with it?" I ask incredulously.

" I could have easily jumped on your back! I could bite your spine and kill you before you could even whine!" she said with disgust. I stare at her.

"Then how am I supposed I do it?" I ask. She laughs.

"First off, you do not do that. Go low to the ground with your ears pinned back and use your senses! You're a wolf! Use them." I strike the pose she suggests I use and look around with my eyes. "Look straight ahead." She corrects, I do as she says and focus on hearing and smell. "good. That will save your life." She goes into the same position but in human form. I laugh. She looks ridiculous as a human in that pose.

"Thanks." I say as I straighten up.

"No problem!" She replies. "Want to go for a run?" She asks, her green eyes sparkling.

"I would love to." I watch as she rips off her dress and changes. Her fur was black and her green eyes glistening gold. She was a beautiful wolf! Her eyes dance as she runs. She was fast too! I run after her. We run for hours through the woods until the moon began to rise. It was a glorious feeling of wind and freedom. Lilly suddenly stops running and turns to me with a worried look.

"I have to go. I'm sorry." She runs off, leaving me alone. It was weird to have her gone. I miss her comforting presence, but I knew I had to find my alpha now.

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