Chapter 19- Justin

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Para convulses on the table, the straps holding her mostly down. She was slowly changing, her eyes squeezed shut. She began thrashing, trying to break the restraints. Suddenly her eyes pops open, I practically scream. They aren't ocean blue, they are glowing pulsing golden wolf eyes.

"Run!" A famine voice screams, I turn and run but I trip and fall. I hear something pop and I turn just in time. Paras huge paws hold me down on my shoulders.

"Para... I love you... Don't do this..." I whisper. She snarls, saliva dripping from her fangs. I close my eyes and wait for the pain. Instead the weight of her left me and I open my eyes to see Para and a chocolate wolf battling I front of me. I quickly get to my feet, I try to get to Para but something grabbed my sleeve. i turn and see a black wolf with purple eyes tugging my sleeve away. I shake my head and try again to get to Para. He yanks me back with a growl and literally drags me outside. He pushes me in the bushes and stomps a paw with a grunt.

"Let me guess? You want me to stay here?" He nods. I roll my eyes as he runs off. Idiot. I run back inside and see him trying to break up the fight with Para and the chocolate wolf.

"Justin!" Lilly's voice rings out, I run into a different room and see Lilly trying to save a whole room of wolves. "Go! The next room needs you!" She shouts

"Got it!" I head to the next room and see a little girl standing by a cage door that held a auburn furred wolf. I grab the key, and head towards the girl. She growls. I hold my hands up in surrender. "I'm here to help, I'm Justin." She stops growling and smiles.

"Paras boyfriend?"

"Yes..." I say slowly.

"Help me unlock this cage! We need a-" I hold up he key and she beams. "don't worry Astrid!" I put the key in the key hole and open the cage. Astrid rushes out. Rena squeals and hugs her. Astrid changes back and hugs her back just tight. She look to be about 16.

"Rena! Thank god you are okay!"

"As great as this reunion is... We have other wolves to save." Astrid looks over at me and my breath catches. Her eyes are to different colors. One is a chocolate brown the other a light green.

"Your right." We run around the room and unlock all the cages. Astrid tells all the wolves to run and never look back. She turns to Rena. "Rena... Do you know where the pack hideout is?" She nods. "Go there! Run as fats as you can. Tell them the Alpha is safe and find out the numbers." Rena's chin trembles. "Can you do that for me?" Astrid asks.

"I will." She changes and runs as fast as her little wolf paws could go. A wolf saw and laid down. Rena climbed on and yipped. They head off. Astrid turns to me and hugs me. I blush. She must have forgot she is naked. She jumps back, and try's to cover herself up.

"Sorry!" I shake my head.

"It's fine. Let's look for clothes." We look through the cabinets. We find two different color jumpsuits. Pink and blue. She grabs one her size and puts it on. She hugs me again.

"Thank you so much!" She whispers. I hug her back, my breathe hitching. Her auburn hair was tangled and a mess, her eyes held circles, but she was still beautiful.

"You're welcome. Come on, let's find Lilly and Luka." She nods and we run out of the room and see Lilly and Luka looking around to make sure all the cages are empty. "Lilly! Luka! Did they catch him?"

"No. He got away." Luka grumbles.

"Where's Para?" I ask, cursing under my breath. Lilly and Luka look at each other.

"Ummm... Anyone know where a way out is?" Lilly asks, her voice high. Luka nods.

"Yeah. Over there." He says pointing at the door.

"Good. Let's go."

"Lillyana." She winces.

"She... Uh... Is knocked out... And is being carried back to his hideout..."

"'He's' hideout?" She nods.

"Who is 'he'?"

"Hermate." She says so fast I can't understand.

"What was that?"

"Her mate." She finally says slowly. Pain cripples me. My knees buckle, and my head gets dizzy. I didn't understand what that name means but it doesn't sound good.

"Mate? What's a mate?" I ask.

"A mate is a soulmate. They have a special bond. They love each other unconditionally. They have a links in heir minds so they can talk to watch other always. There hearts are made only for them. It's the most amazing thing." Lilly whispers, eyes hopeful.

"Para is with her mate?" I ask, my heart shattering. I can hear it cracking, little pieces falling into nothing. Lilly touches my shoulder. I shake it off.

"I'm sorry." Astrid says, looking guiltily at me.

"For what?" I say bitterly.

"For my Alpha taking your love."

"Whatever." I then on my heel and leave this place. Astrid follows me. "Why are you following me?"

"I don't know. My wolf likes you." She says. I stop and look at her. She smiles, her lips slightly parting. My heart pounds. She stands on her tippy ties and kisses me. It was soft and sweet. It was quick but time stopped. "A kiss for my knight." She says when she is done. "I will be here for when your heart is ready."

"Why?" I whisper.

"I am yours. My wolf knows it. And I know it. I can wait for you to heal before you are fully mine." Her voice inside my head answered.

"You are my mate?" She nods and smiles.

"I will ways wait for you." With that she heads off in a different direction. I wanted her to come back and kiss me again. I hear her laugh in my head. "Soon enough, sugar." her southern accent thick. I smile. My heart banged in my chest. Para. Astrid was right. I wasn't ready to fall in love again. I was still in love with a girl that wasn't mine.

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