Chapter 9- Para

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I heard Luka's voice ring out. How am I suppose to fight him?

"Begin!" My brother shouts. I feel him circling me. I go low to the ground and wait. He will attack first. Thinking I'm not going to expect it.

I am right.

He lunges and jumps out of the way and Jump on his back. He fight me but I grip his neck and pull him down. He soon gives up.

"You will be given your rank Tommorw. Lilly will give it to you." With that I turn and begin to head home. I hear Luka follow behind me.

"You won..." I says nothing. "How did you do that?" He asks. I shrug and continue walking. Lilly is following behind him. I turn and snap my teeth at him. Warning him to stay away from me. He jumps back. Lilly takes her cue and says goodbye to Luka.

"Para..." He doesn't finish his sentence when I jump on him.

"Leave me alone!" I snarl. I ran off I into the forest and head home.


Daniel is waiting for me when I get home.

"You did good today." He says quietly. "You even spoke again today. Mom told me you talked." I nod and point to my room. At least where I think it is. "You tired?" I nod and he gently leads me to my room. I get undressed and go under the covers. I hated sleeping. I always have dreams. Dreams that scare me... Dreams that make me remember. Make me remember them... I shudder and crawl deeper under the covers.

Just close your eyes and go to sleep... I tell myself.

*** Paras dream****

"She's waking up! Put her back under!" A man shouts

"Daddy! Please don't!" I scream, he slaps me against the face. Stars dance my vision.

"Shut up! Your not my daughter! Your the devil!" He screams, his eyes wild. Pain. So much pain.

"Daddy!" A gunshot! Growling. Screaming.

"You hurt your own daughter!"

"Daniel!" I scream.

"You are there devil!"


Screaming. I hear screaming. I realize I am the one screaming. Daniel bust in, as usual, and runs over to me. He pulls me close and I cry on his shoulder. Never saying a word.

"Shush... Your okay now. You're safe" he whispers and rubs my back. I sob louder and curl up on his lap.

"I want Justin..." I whisper. He jumps up and grabs his phone.

"Hey, sorry to wake you but Para-"

"I'll be right there."


My door opens. I am sitting on the bed shaking.


"What's wrong, Para?"

"I'm ready to tell you what happened. Everything." I Mumble, my voice stronger then ever. I am ready to tell my best friend everything. He crawls on the bed, and sits quietly. "Promise me you won't say anything until my story is done."

"I promise." I grab my blanket and throw it around my shoulders.

"Ever since i can remember, i have had the ability to morph into a wolf. I always loved the gift, but at the age of seven everything fell apart. You had just left my house that sunday. I decided to go for a run in my wolf form. When I home I changed in front of my dad. I had no idea. That night when i was sleeping, he grabbed me and knocked me unconscious. When I woke up I was strapped to a table. They punched me, slapped me, even raped me. They tried everything to get me to phase. Everything hurt, every breathe, every sound... I screamed for my daddy to stop. HIs eyes were wild, and crazy as he inflicted pain. He told me never to talk, or he will kill me. I have been afraid to talk every since. Seven days later, I was barely able to function, but my Brother was suddenly there. He killed two out of the three. He rescued me, and since then... i have been too afraid to talk. They are still out there. My dad and two new others." Everything is silent when I am done.

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