Chapter 11- Lilly

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  • Dedicated to Mika Adachi

I stare at Para, thinking about what Justin said. Her own father tried to I'll her for being a werewolf. That's insane. No wonder she doesn't talk. I would be afraid to talk too.

Justin is sleeping first, until Luka gets home. Then I get to sleep. I watch Para steady breathing. Sadness seeps into me. Para, Justin, and I use to be closer. Justin was closer to her though, I was the one who didn't like people. They annoyed me, even when i was little. So I just skipped hanging out with them. Now I wish I could o back in time and be a better friend AND pack mate. This is my chance.The door to her room opens and her mom peeks in. She smiles when she sees me.

"Oh, hello, I'm Mrs.-"

"I remember you, Mrs. Summers." I tell her before she embarrass herself further. Her Face reminds me of someone trying to place someone who shad they know them but can't place them.

"Lillyana. It's Lillyana." Her face lights up.

"Lilly! My have you changed. What happened to your red hair? It was redder than the sun but it's pitch black now!"

"I uh dyed it black." Her face twists to disgust.

"I loved your red hair. Please don't dye it again." She replies. I blush.

"Thanks but I prefer it this way."

"Why?" She asks.

"So I can blend in better. Anyway when is he coming?" I change the subject. At first she looks confused but then smiles.

"Tonight around 6. Just in time for a family dinner." I roll my eyes, my wolf eyes flashing.

"So absolutely wonderful! I can not wait!" I reply sarcastically. She leans in.

"Are you..."

"A werewolf? Yes. Just like Luka, and Para." She doesn't say anything. Alright then...

"Will you be saying for dinner?" I laugh. It wasn't pleasant.

"I will be staying here as long as HE is here." I reply sharply. She looks hurt but just quietly leaves the room. I hear a groan and quickly go over to Para and take her hand. "Para? Come on girl. Open your eyes." Her eyes flutter but don't open. "You have to wake up now." I whisper. "Justin will be worried." Her blank eyes open.



"Where's Justin?" I brush her hair back

"Asleep. He will be watching you later." She moves to stand up, I help her.

"I want him now..." She whispers.

"Stay here as I will go get him."

"Okay." I race off to one of the spare bedrooms. I opens the door and shake Justin awake. He jumps up.

"Lilly! Don't do that! You scared the bleep out of me!" I shrug.

"Sorry, but Paras awake and needs you." He throws the covers off and walks with me to Paras room.

"You may sleep now." Justin says.

"Wake me for dinner. I am hungry."

Hello my Readers! Sorry but its  me again! I just want to tell you i am sorry but chapter 11 might take a while but lease keep a eye out! THanks love yall

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