Chapter 15- Luka

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Para has been missing for three days! My wolf is going insane! Justin is even worse off. He hasn't slept, he barely eats, and he didn't stop searching for her. Lilly is feeling guilty for leaving her alone. Dale claims he hasn't see her. I think she ran away, but all of her stuff is here.

Justin claims she wouldn't run away without him. I would. I don't like him, he claims Para is HIS. I think she is mine. My wolf purrs at her presence. 'Mine'. He whispers, but I ignore him. I pace the edge of the forest, thinking about where he would have taken her. I know he must have taken her.

What if he took her to the same place? No. He is to smart. Isn't he? Yes. He would take her somewhere else. We have checked the sewers. Almost every warehouse. Ugh. Dale and Mrs. Summers are grossing us all out. I can hear them sucking face from here. Lilly and Justin join me outside. Each with a 'gross' expression on there tired faces.

"Have you come up with anything?" Lilly asks me with a small smile on her face. I shake my head. she sighs and throws herself to the ground. "what are we going to do? We have to save her!" Justin's face was filled with pain.

"I can't believe I let her go upstairs. She should have stayed with me on the couch. Where I can see her." Justin whines, I roll my eyes.

"Stop blaming yourselves. It was going to happen anyway. We better just forget about what happened and focus on recusing her."

"You're right. We should check down by the river. There is a cave there. Let's go." I nod and begin running towards the river. Lilly and Justin right behind me. I jump up in a rock and phase in midair.

"That was awesome!" Justin shouts. Lilly rooks her eyes and scoffs.

"Show off." She runs toward and tree climbs halfway up then pushes herself off, doing a flip landing in wolf form.

"That was even awesomer!" Justin shouts, I was glad we were taking his mind off of her. Though it doesn't work for me.

"And you said I showed off. Please" she smiles and winks.

"It's a gift." We continue running towards the river, when we get there I see guards outside of entrance. I turn to Lilly and Justin.

"Stay here. I will check it out." I whisper, Justin nods but Lilly scowls.

"I'm coming with you. It's my fault she's in there." I have no time to argue. I begin to sneak over to the entrance. We sneak in, the guards don't even notice. Lilly puts her nose in the air and breathes in deeply.

"I smell Dales scent and Paras!" I sniff too.

"So do I. Let's try to find her before he knows we are here." She nods and slinks into the shadows, trying to catch where the scent leads. I look around and see some light filtering through. I go over and realize it's a door. I yip once and Lilly comes over. I push the door open. I hear a whoosh and suddenly I am hanging in a net with Lilly.

"What the hell?" A dark laugh break out in the room. Dale comes into view hold a shirt with Paras scent.

"Luka and Lilly. I should have known. I knew you are like my daughter. What do ya think of my trap? Awesome right?" I spit at his feet. I forgot I was in wolf form so in all reality it landed on me. "I took a shirt from her room and rubbed it all of this room knowing you would check here. Then waited. And now I have two more werewolves." He turns away from us and yells. "knock them out." A guard points his gun and a dart hits me. Black out.


Screams... Lillyana.... I know that scream. I open my eyes and see Lilly in human form, screaming, with a needle in her arm. She was fighting the person in a white lab coat. She was screaming and letting a string of curse words out.

"LUKA!" I jumped up and attacked. The man let of Lilly and tripped. I snarled and grabbed his throat.

"Let go or Lilly gets it." Dale says holding a unconscious Lilly by throat . I snarl and let him go. Dale closes the cage, with Lilly still in his hands. I snarled.

"You said you would let her go." He laughs.

"No I said Lilly wouldn't get it." He carries her in his arms.

"Lilly!" I scream. The door sounds around the room with finality. I was in a huge cage, the room empty except for a hunched form in the corner.

"Daniel?" I whisper,

"Yes." I rush over to him. He was bloody, and bruised.

"What did they do to you?" He looks away.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I was tricked and trapped. Have you seen Para?" His head snaps up.


"Para has been missing for now four days." Pain crosses his face.

"NO! Nooo!" he moans.

Will Para survive this? Will she ever talk again? I wonder.

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