𝟬𝟮𝟰 a kiss tells ➝ w.west

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xxiv. a kiss tells!!

❝ I'm saying, he has feelings for you

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I'm saying, he has
feelings for you.

"Wall's stop dropping the bananas!" You shouted as he was beating against you in Mario Kart. Your driving player on the screen had just slipped on one of the many bananas Wally dropped in the game course, making him come pass you. You made whiny noises in your seat, curving your body along with the controller in your hands and your player on the screen as Wally's tongue was at the edge of his curved lips. He laughed next to you and he was sitting still until he finally reached the end of the line.

Wally jumped up to the air in victory and pointed his finger at you. "You can never beat me!" He laughed viciously as you glared at him with your messy hair that you ruined after losing to him for the millionth time. You could never understand why you kept losing after all of those years training yourself.

You even cut so many hours from studying just to beat his ass to end all of this but it looked like it'll take another game to do so. He stuck out his tongue at you, "Looks like you'll be paying for me on our next eat out again."

You pushed him against the couch as he fell and you started to hit him with the pillow that you used for your back. "I can't believe you did it again! What are you, some kind of cheater? Show me your cheat codes!" Wally cried in pain even though it shouldn't hurt, but you continued, "How about we go eat out tonight? I"ll take you out for an ice cream cone. How does that sound, my friend?"

Wally giggled at your scary voice. He knew you were only trying to keep a budget but he wouldn't mind it at all. Despite so many offers to help you pay, you would rather resist and stick to the rules of your playful bets. You were always so kind (except when you lose it like right now), and if he could, he would treat you out whenever you feel like it.

He finally took control over the pillow, holding it with one arm while his other hand was holding onto your hand. It was pushed flat against the pillow as if he was holding your hand against his heart.

"Hello? Answer me, you fool!" Your hand slipped away, not noticing where it was placed before you punched the pillow.

He made a short painful sound and said, "I can't. I'm taking Artemis out tonight."

That's right. You kept forgetting he had a girlfriend of four months, so you crossed your arms and took a seat next to him. "Fine, next time then."

"Sorry not sorry." Wally stuck out his tongue again, getting up and moving away far enough before you could even reach him with your swinged fisted hand.

- - -

You cursed for days about losing, it was a habit of yours since the beginning of school. Now that you've finished your third year as you got used to the summer heat, you began to work temporary at a cafe.

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