𝟬𝟮𝟴 rose bath ➝ r.harper

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xxviii. rose bath!!

❝ Ever think about what life would be like if we never met? ❞

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Ever think about what
life would be like if
we never met?

Some things never fall out of routine. For example, the world never stops turning, the clocks never stop ticking, and Roy never runs out of pink baths to treat Y/N and himself with.

Two fizzing bath bombs have been placed in the porcelain tub, emitting the scent of a thousand roses to match the pink-hued petals Roy purchased at the store. A few candles flicker, providing just enough light for their evening. When [Y/N] glances into the bathroom, he finishes lighting the last one.

With a little smile on her face and Roy's lips on hers, she feels delight in her heart. He has the same flavor as the strawberry champagne he bought earlier, which [Y/N] enjoys. [Y/N]'s tan peacoat, which she wears virtually every day throughout the winter months, is shrugged off by Roy. Her blouse gets discarded as soon as her heavy wool coat touches the ground. Despite the difficulties in getting rid of their remaining garments, the mesh of their lips remains unflappable.

Luckily, Roy had on a button down that [Y/N] so easily undid for him. Roy draws his lips away slowly, still brushing his bottom lip with [Y/N]'s.

"Bath's ready," he mumbles. He leads [Y/N] to the bath, their fingertips loosely locked together. "Got some petals to put in here as well," he informs her.

[Y/N] nods as she cautiously dips her toes into the water, which has just cooled enough to make the heat bearable. She murmurs, "They're gorgeous, R." Roy pours her a drink of champagne before entering the room. He leans on the tub's opposite end, loving [Y/N] as she puts her hair up in a bun to keep it from getting dirty. "Can you tell me where you got them?"

"Market," Roy answers. "Had some real pretty daisies, too. Left those in the kitchen for you." He reaches a hand out for [Y/N] to take.

Gracefully, she's pulled to his side of the tub, her back against his chest and his arms resting over her tummy. He places a gentle kiss to her temple as she rests her arms over Roy's finding his hands once again hold in her own. Her fingers slot themselves in between his.

The water settles from all the movement but the softest waves continue to reach up the sides, the petals floating in different directions, feeling free from the stems that once held them together.

For the two of them, bathtime is usually a relaxing experience. Words seem pointless, too much of an effort to mutter when the two of them make a living talking to others. The faint crackle of their candles' wood wicks and the soft hum of their favorite bathtime song are just right.

Roy would occasionally tell [Y/N] something she already knows, such as how lovely she is or how much Roy loves her. He doesn't mind if she doesn't respond because he knows how tired she gets while having a bath, and words take too much energy for [Y/N] when she's tired. She simply nods and kisses Roy whenever she has the opportunity. She primarily kisses his collarbone or the swallows, which she adores.

The wilting petals are left at the bottom of the tub as pink water swirls down the drain. Roy and [Y/N] are already in bed, her head bouncing up and down on Roy's chest as he breathes. "Have you ever considered what life might be like if we had never met?" [Y/N] mulls over a 1 a.m. notion.

Even though [Y/N] cannot observe Roy's action, he shakes his head. "No, it's too terrible to think about how it would be without you." His fingers are combing over [Y/N]'s unbelievably soft hair, as they always are. Her brows furrow in response to Roy's response, and she presses her weight against him to get him to sit up. He follows suit, his weight resting on an elbow.

"What?" He chuckles, tucking strands of [Y/N]'s hair behind her ear with care. [Y/N] shakes her head, unsure how to respond. After midnight, she always seems to have these existential questions. "Do you realize how important you are to me?"

[Y/N] shakes her head again, "No, no of course I do. I just wonder what-"

"Hey," Roy says as he comes to a halt. Before he pulls away, he kisses her lips tenderly and brushes her cheek with his nose. "I need you in the same way that the moon needs the sun. If it weren't for the sun, the moon wouldn't shine, and if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to perform half of what I do." When [Y/N] feels Roy's lips on hers, she shuts her eyes.

"Love you, so much," he mumbles. He lays them back down, [Y/N] in Roy's arms, where she belongs. He's strong and warm and never hold on too tightly, fearing he'll suffocate her. [Y/N] wouldn't mind, though. She's been drowning in his love for so long, not being able to breathe from his contact wouldn't be so bad.

Sleeping without contact feels weird, anyways. It's lonely. Especially since Roy and [Y/N] spend so much time apart. Sharing the bed isn't enough.

It's a waste of money to have a king mattress when they'd be fine with a twin. Roy kisses [Y/N] on the temple one last time before laying his head on the pillow. As he sends him and [Y/N] to their much-needed slumber, he hums softly on his lips.

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